Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day at the Park
Repeat daily while there's warmth and sunlight, and when there's not, go to the library.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Betsy McCall, My Paper Doll
But also? Sydney loves paper dolls.
We did a lot of paper doll play after Thanksgiving, when I bought a paper doll cartridge for my Cricut, and she loved them just fine then, but now that her manual dexterity is just this much more advanced, and after I happened upon some awesome old paper doll high-quality scans on the internet and printed them out for her, we have hit a paper doll renaissance. I'm talking, every day there are new paper dolls to cut out and play with. Every moment there are paper dolls on the child's mind. There are paper doll parts everywhere, including the car.
At the moment, the paper doll crush is deeply tied up with the Betsy McCall paper dolls from the 1950s. I print the pages in color (on a laser printer, not an inkjet) and cut them out for Sydney, and back the doll itself with adhesive-backed cardstock. The outfits can stay on plain copier-weight paper. Paper dolls are fiddly with their smallness and their tiny little tabs, so Sydney really just now has the manual dexterity to dress them up without getting too frustrated:
Not frustrating at all!
And then she carries them around and plays games with them, and changes their clothes, and plays some more:Willow is NOT into paper dolls, and I didn't play with them as a child, either, so I'm actually surprised at how cool I think they are. And they have a lot of educational value, as well, beyond just the sheer enjoyment of them. The whole point of the paper doll is the outfit, see, and so many creators have taken a lot of care to make up some very detailed, and very specific period pieces for the dolls. For Sydney, at least, this could be a great way to teach history.
Sydney and I have also found PLENTY of awesome high-quality paper doll scans online. Our very favorite is Teri's Paper Doll Scans; I've printed out, all ready to cut out, some Easter paper dolls, and some 1940s paper dolls (Sydney will appreciate the ballet outfit, in particular, but I really like these because they remind me of old photos of my Mama, whom I miss), and I am just waiting on the merest excuse to jump into the whole world of 1940s film stars.
While Sydney plays paper dolls, Willow and I indulge her newest passion--vibrating electric football. Our house is just full of awesomeness this week.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
But How Do You Feel?
I am still not in love with these gimmicky children's craft activities, despite your resounding assurances of their developmental solidity. But wow, the girlies adore them. Sydney actually wore her plate around her neck for part of the day, and Willow plays with her plate nearly daily, moving the arrow around to the different feelings and then saying, "I'm angry!" in an angry voice or "I'm sad!" in a sad voice, etc.
It does have me rather interested each week, though, in what that week's craft will be, and in what new and specific way it might horrify me. Today my guess is that we'll do something with pipe cleaners, toilet paper tubes, markers, and circle stickers...
Monday, March 15, 2010
Dinosaur Dreams Tonight
Phew! Nine dinosaur T-shirt panels--some from outgrown or ripped/stained shirts that my own kids wore, and some bought straight from thrift shops for this project--surrounded by a Courthouse Steps log cabin design in both dino and traditional prints quilting cotton--
and backed and with a back-to-front binding made from a handmade dino-print quilted blanket scored from the Goodwill Outlet Store (stuff is $1.39 a pound there, so definitely under a buck):
I think this little one likes it!
And don't worry about the little kid. She's getting an I Spy quilt next, which she will probably be unhappy about because she really wants a pony quilt, but a pony quilt?
So now I'm on the look-out for pony T-shirts.
P.S. Want to follow along with my craft projects, books I'm reading, road trips to random little towns, looming mid-life crisis, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Have you ever read the rules for hopscotch? It's really not that fun. So we just threw stuff--
--and hopped:
And it turned out that THAT was fun.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tutorial: Felted Wool Easter Eggs While You Wait
Will woke us up early this morning with her guitar practice, and it's a good thing that she got it done, too, for she has been sick AGAIN today. Thank goodness no barfing, because I don't think my nerves could handle another stomach bug so soon, but I am firmly against medicating a non-severe fever, and guess whose child of course gets hysterical every time she has a fever?
Fortunately, the child was placated with an endless supply of Mythbusters and Magic School Bus, and so I still had time to sew, and do laundry, and draw pictures with the baby, and cook a veggie chili that I distractedly made far too salty, and straighten the house, and read , and felt up some Easter eggs.
Felting with wool roving is one of the very few crafts that I do using new materials, and one of the very few activities of any sort that I do using animal products, and it's still not my favorite thing, frankly, but in a child's Easter basket it's non-plastic, non-sugary, non-factory-farmed chicken egg...and also colorful and soft and fun and suitable to be handed down to future generations of guitar-playing little girls, so there you go.
To felt your own Easter eggs, you will need:
- egg forms. After Easter, when I can pick them up for free at the Recycling Center, likely, I have plans to make felted wool shaker eggs with those awful plastic Easter eggs, but for these particular eggs, which I intend to be heirloom-quality for my children, I'm using wooden eggs from Casey's Wood Products. I also have a fondness for their wood dinosaur cut-outs, if you must know.
- wool roving. I buy my roving from The Arts at Eagle's Find, where I am assured that the shop owner knows the happy sheep from which the wool came.
- hot water
- dish soap
- aluminum foil and a clothes dryer--just go with me on this for a bit
2. Roll up your egg in your roving, trying not to have a bunch of the edges of the roving meet in the same place.
3. Get your roving-wrapped egg nice and saturated in the hot water and dish soap, and just sort of pat it down for a while. Pat, pat, pat all around the egg, gently working the roving into an even layer all over the egg. You don't want any spots that are too bulky, and you don't want any thin spots where the wood will peek through:
4. Keep doing this for a while, perhaps ten minutes or so, until the roving feels somewhat felted and holds itself around the egg. You can also rub, agitate, or roll the egg around in your hands--all that friction helps the roving felt.
5. When the roving is pretty well felted around the egg--it doesn't have to be perfect by any means--rinse out all of the dish soap, and then, while the egg is still soaking wet, wrap it snugly in some aluminum foil:I'm not a big fan of aluminum foil, either, but parchment paper and wax paper just didn't work. Aluminum foil works.
6. Throw the foil-wrapped eggs into your dryer along with a load of clothes, and dry everything on hot. The heat and agitation in the dryer will do an excellent job of completing the felting on your eggs, while you go do something else.
When you're done, your eggs will look something like this:
Aren't they cool? I think that I'm going to felt around most of the smaller eggs in our collection, and save the larger ones for decorating in other ways. Easter is coming up, after all, and we haven't gotten out the Sharpies or hot glue even once!
P.S. Want to follow along with all of our other handmade, homeschooling activities, tutorials, and resources? Check out my Craft Knife Facebook page!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Matt Does His Homework
Matt's mid-term for his drawing class consisted of...well, a drawing. Choosing something handy from around the house for his still life, he of COURSE ended up sketching a portrait of a stegosaurus:
There are several things that I love about this video:
- I love how Matt is wearing a sweater over a collared shirt. Isn't that adorable?
- I love how he's embarassed for about three seconds that I'm videotaping him, but then he almost immediately forgets about me and gets way into his drawing.
- I love that he's drawing a stegosaurus. We're going to hang it up in the girls' room when the instructor returns it. AND the instructor better not mark on it.
- I love most of all how the part that he's drawing just as I'm filming? Looks NOTHING like the parts that came before, and NOTHING like a stegosaurus.
And in other news, I also love that Matt bought me a guitar from a pawn shop, because I want to learn guitar along with Willow, whose first lesson is this afternoon. To borrow a compliment that my Mama once bestowed upon me after spending a week in the same house with me and a colic-y two-months-old Willow: that man has the patience of Job (pronounce it "Jobe").