Saturday, March 7, 2009


First of all, a shout-out to Sydney's most favorite toy in the world, photographed by herself:She honestly hasn't seen The Land Before Time or any of its eight thousand sequels often--a sick day of her own every now and then, a sick day of mine every now and then--but they've really captured her imagination. She pretends about all those little cartoon dinosaurs all the freakin' time, using wooden blocks, or her fingers, putting them into time-out, whatever.

I was really quietly irritated about all of it for a while--I mean, here are two kids who can tell a brachiosaurus from a diplodocus and that a pteranodon and a plesiosaur are NOT dinosaurs, and here they are talking about three-horns and the sharptooth and "I'm not a long-neck, YOU are!"

But you know, I finally figured that Matt and I are certainly big enough fangeeks in our own right--comic books, Buffy, sci-fi TV shows--let the kid own her fandom. So while we certainly don't let Syd watch the shows all the time, I did do some web research and downloaded her a DIY mobile, and some masks, and some coloring pages from the Land Before Time web site, and put some easy-reader Land Before Time books on hold at the library, and even checked out ebay to possibly buy her more of those little plastic critters (not for love nor money, apparently).

So, yep, baby's a fangeek. And now the rest of the shout-outs are all about me.

So Matt came home from work yesterday, and sat me down at the computer first thing, and he's all, "Now, Newsarama and Comic Book Resources are the premiere comic book resources, blah blah blah, but Robot 6 is the most popular blog and blah blah blah, and so I was taking a break at work and thought I would check it out, blah blah, and in this one post I was scrolling down, and I see a link to a tutorial for making gift tags out of comic books, and I know you like that stuff, so I click on it, and what do I see? YOU!!!"

I guess Robot 6 was kind enough to pick up my post on Crafting a Green World about making comic book gift tags, and now I have officially impressed my husband.

In other news, I have warned everyone and warned everyone about how bad I am at interviews (this one time, after I won a spelling bee at my junior high, the five o-clock news interviewed me on television, and... it was not pretty), but nilochlainn was nice enough to risk it anyway and interviewed me for the INCrowd Team blog over at etsy. She asks me a lot of interesting, nice questions and I basically go on and on pedantically. Apparently you do not need to get me started about the concept of traditional "women's work."

And if I can go on about that, remember that my official field of study is actually medieval studies, and think about how much more it is possible for me to go on about a single field of study.

P.S. Check out my ode to Artist Trading Cards over at Crafting a Green World.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bye-Bye, Birthday Bunting

This past weekend I spent sewing up a personalized bunting from my pumpkinbear etsy shop and sending it off to its new home in Alaska!My favorite thing about doing custom sewing for people is that I'm usually called upon to use color combinations that I normally wouldn't consider--you never could have told me before this project that I would like the combination of lime green, lavender, and rose......but after sewing with it, I love that combination! It's youthful and playful and fun without being too childlike--the colors are a little unexpected together, but the fact that they're all pretty light versions of themselves allows them to pop without being garish:So now, of course, I'm all about the birthday bunting. I'm thinking of adding a listing just for a pick-your-own-colors Happy Birthday bunting in my shop (with a simple symbol on either end as well as in between the words----it comes to 16 pennant flags), as well as sewing up a few in some more traditional colors to be able to sell instantly and to show at craft fairs, and I've also, of course, been planning out some bunting ideas for my own girls' happy summer birthdays.

And of COURSE each girl has to have her own. Sydney's I'm thinking of doing in rainbow colors, but I asked Will to draw me a design of what she'd like her birthday bunting to look like:Oh, dear--where to even begin?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And If You, As Well, Like Things That are Free...

I'm taking a break from my Yourself Fitness workout (Five minutes of heel jacks? Really, Maya?) to participate in this meme I found at One Gal's Trash (she got it from Vintage Rescue Squad). It's super-awesome, because here's what I get to do:

The first 5 people who respond to this post will get something made by will be my choice, but made especially for you. This offer does have some restrictions & limitations...

*What I create will be just for you, and it will, like most of my work, include recycled elements as primary components.
*I make no guarantees that you will like it...but I hope you do! Feel free to tell me the kinds of stuff you're most fond of, ESPECIALLY if you're a big, dorky fangeek just like me.
*You will receive this item before the end of the year...or sooner.
*You will have no idea what the item will be, or when you will receive it.

*****The BIG catch is you have to repost this Meme on your blog and put together something to be sent out as 5 surprises of your own. These surprises can be anything....a piece of art, a photo, a poem...whatever you choose...

On account of I have always wanted to be involved in my own pyramid scheme, of sorts.

So, friends, put on your thinking caps, send along this meme and then comment back here to let me know that you, too, will send a surprise into the lives of five more friends this year.

P.S. Look what I made! I'm going a little crazy with the comic book love, I know. These particular bad boys will be going up in my pumpkinbear etsy shop as soon as I've finished my workout, fed the girls lunch and gotten them dressed, written my lesson plans and homework for tonight, and baked beer bread and roasted tomatoes so that Matt doesn't feed the girls sauce-less tortellini for the THIRD night in a row while I'm teaching tonight--
--but if you happen to be local, I dropped 50 more over at the gift shop of the Waldron Art Center yesterday afternoon. My goal is to eventually inspire the entire town to walk around wearing non-sequiter comic book dialogue by the end of the year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Love Books. We Also Like Them to be Free.

It's a well-known fact that the girls and I can generally be counted upon to know the time and location of every large garage sale free day, thrift store store-wide sale, and book sale free day. Monday, of course, was the free day of the Monroe County Public Library Friends of the Library book sale, and therefore, on Monday, there we were:Mind you, the book sale free days are actually really important to me professionally, because as part of my students' work analyzing gender ideologies, I give them each a romance novel to analyze. That's 46 Harlequins a semester, and no, I don't get funds for supplies. Fortunately, book sale free days are often just teeming with Harlequins, and I can usually even score a volunteer who's so stoked to get rid of some of them that she'll actually sit down on the floor with me and help sort through them ("How about this one, dear?" It's about a cowboy and a Russian czarina, although I'm afraid it looks a bit racy...").

With my two little girlies also scoring free books, with their own perfectly-sized real metal shopping cart (I once had to scream at a lady ACROSS A WAREHOUSE to stop stealing some of the free crap from my kids' shopping cart while Willow stood there right in front of her and cried--some people will do anything for a creepy vintage doll), I, as a rule, never get to look for my own reading material, but I did manage to grab several awesome 80s Christmas crafting books, a whole wheat cookbook, and some California travel guides for cutting up for scrapbook embellishments.

The girls, too, got lots of awesome-to-them stuff--books about Botswana, the digestive system, the making of the 80s-era Ramona the Pest TV show, etc.--and I usually respect their haul, but this one I had to take away when they weren't around:Really?I mean, really?

The worst thing is that it totally makes me want a cigarette right now. Seriously--the picture of the smoking cat makes me want a cigarette.

My week is turning out to be a little stressful.

P.S. Check out my tutorial for making scrapbook embellishments from comic books over at Crafting a Green World.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sharks are Made of Delicious Sabotage

Considering my goal to lose at least SOME of the baby-weight that I put on approximately three years ago, you might be surprised to learn that Matt brought home this book from the library the other day:
Of course, if you have a Matt of your own at home, perhaps you won't be surprised.

So the girls and I spent days and days poring over all the sugary confections contained within, until they finally made their choice: sharks.

The shark cupcakes require cupcake mix, chocolate chips, Nilla wafers, frosting, and TWINKIES! Dear god, Twinkies. I have eaten Twinkies this week. And they're not even that good, but they're so, so, so insanely sweet that after you eat one you're all, "I feel kind of sick, and yet somehow I could totally go for another Twinkie."

Fortunately I have some commissioned sewing to do this weekend, so after many strict instructions for Matt to not YELL at the girls while baking with them, I left them to it. Here's the basic shark infrastructure--cupcake, Twinkie, and Nilla wafer:
Here they are staring in a disgruntled fashion at the shark cupcake in the book because they don't know why Matt can't use my fancy food coloring correctly and made them tan instead of grey--so much for this being a homeschooling moment about sharks:And the final product--From what unholy marriage consummated in the uncharted depths of the sea did these abominations creep forth?Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder:

And they do seem to taste just fine, so I suppose it was a successful venture after all:
Matt likely does not have a future career in catering to look forward to, but at least he has an appreciative audience at home:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm a Less Bad Mother at the Beach

Sometimes, when I'm feeling on the verge of being a very bad mother who's crabby and rotten and acts like there are a million things more important for her to do today than be with her little girlies, I take those little girlies to Monroe Beach:It's a tiny little thing on the corner of Lake Monroe, and in the summer it's real redneck-y (trust me--I would know), but in the winter it's deserted. The girlies can frolick and just ALMOST get their feet wet in the freezing water----(until they do get their feet wet, and then it's time to go home), and I can have a little walk, and breathe, and remember that there's not much more important in the whole entire universe than those little babies of mine: (The fact that they're more than an arm's length away and not screaming at each other right in my face surrounded by the filth that is our house doesn't hurt, either).

Of course, other times we don't go to Monroe Beach and I AM a crabby rotten mother all day and I DO act like there are a million more important things for me to do today than be with my little girlies, and then late at night, after they're finally sleeping (for a couple of hours, anyway), I feel remorseful and have to lie down next to them and run my fingers through their little-girl hair and whisper apologies to them in their sleep.

I have to try to remember better next time.

Friday, February 27, 2009

We are Officially Artists, and We Have the Cards to Prove It

After many, many mornings of creative labor----Willow's ATC Kids' Swap is wrapped up and ready to mail: Watercolor remained a big hit, as did acrylics----but for all the tiny little detail work of the tiny little trading cards, I think that Willow found herself much more satisfied, in the end, with colored pencils. She's gotten pretty representative in her work lately----and only with pencils, probably, could you create an ATC that deserves a caption like this: I think we all found the ATC experience quite inspiring--Will freely calls herself an artist (She has the proof--they are ARTIST trading cards, aren't they?), Matt rediscovered Bristol board as a canvas for the comics he draws, and I'm thinking about organizing a Kids' ATC Swap on Craftster and about using ATCs as my business cards instead of my Moo cards this coming craft fair season (Moo cards are unbeatable, but can get pricey, and shipping from the UK? I can hardly justify it).

In other news, I actually got one of my kids to wash the other kid's hair today:
If these kids didn't need me to constantly pay them so much flippin' attention, my days would be just about made.