Saturday, January 31, 2009

Barbie Gone Wild

We all know that Ken ran into some seriously hard times, emotionally, after the break-up of their too-brief love affair, but Barbie?

Barbie seems to be doing alright.

P.S. My Old Crow Medicine Show concert at the Vogue is tonight! I mentioned to the girls yesterday (while having another marathon button-making session; y'all know how I feel about making buttons with the girls) that Miss Molly and I would be going out on an adventure tonight, and based on all the "Oooh, where are we going?" rhetoric that followed, getting out the door tonight might be...interesting.

But I later realized something that I'd never realized before, on account of I'm never actually on the door end of the getting out part: once I actually get out the door, I bet I won't be able to hear them scream anymore! Not, at least, over the hot rocking of Ketch on the fiddle.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Critter Caps: A Momma + Baby Tutorial

Will wasn't feeling well, and basically napped the morning away, leaving me as Syd's only playmate. Then, just after Will had rallied and gone happily to school (no snow day today!), Syd decided that a half-hour nap was quite sufficient, thank you, and wandered into the study to find me, just having wolfed down a veggie burger and another half-cup of coffee, setting out to grade my second student paper in a stack of probably 93.

You absolutely cannot grade papers with a small child around, but fortunately, as I discovered years ago, they do incorporate well into any manner of the home arts.

It's a funny throwback to my early parenting years, this collaborating with Sydney. Willow has always been the child I've collaborated with the most, from her babyhood when it was the only way to both work and parent, to Sydney's babyhood when it represented the special time Will and I would spend together during Syd's naps, to more lately when Will has turned into a kid who is able to do so much stuff--hot glue, handle a hole punch, work a cordless drill.

But as Syd gradually gives up her afternoon naps and I lose that very last bastion of time to myself in the day, I imagine that she and I will do much more inventing and working together.

Here's what we invented and worked on today: I call them Critter Caps.

You will need: some recycled or stash fabric that has a little horizontal stretch to it--cotton jersey, lightly felted wool sweaters, faux fur, etc.; a sewing machine with a wide zig-zag stitch or a serger; embroidery thread or yarn in a color matching or complementing your fabric.

1. Measure the circumference of your lucky hat-wearer's head and the distance from the crown of her head to the bottom of her ear. Fold your fabric in half and cut through both to make two rectangles whose length is twice the distance from crown to ear (plus a seam allowance) and whose width is half the circumference (plust two seam allowances). Remember--the circumference should have a little stretch to it.2. Stitch the hat, right-sides together, around both sides and the top, and finish the bottom brim however you'd like (zig-zag, serged, bias tape, or having taken care to cut the bottom brim from the finished bottom of a sweater).
3. You now have a big rectangular rectangle hat. Fold up the brim a couple of times (tack it into place if you want) and try it on your lucky hat-wearer. You can either pinch out where you'd like to gather your critter ears while your hat-wearer is wearing her hat, or you can use that crown-to-ear measurement.
4. Gather each top corner into a critter ear shape and tie some tight knots around it with embroidery thread or yarn. Get it really tight!
5. Try it on your critter. Does she like it?
6. Repeat until you have a critter for every member of the family. Don't forget to document important occasions:
P.S. I wrongly assumed that Matt would find faux fur too girly, and instead made him a critter cap out of a much more sedate felted grey wool. This, however, is the kind of man who orders mixed drinks that come with colored sugar and big skewers of fruit and fancy straws, so he totally wants a faux fur critter cap, too.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

No school.
No work.
No grocery shopping.
No library.
No alone time.
Just this:

Best. Day. Ever!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look at Me and How Awesomely Famous I Am!

Y'all know how I am so cutting edge in the eco revolution, right? So I often watch Zaproot, which hosts these little news-show clips of breaking news on the enviromental front--they're nice because they usually report positive environmental acts or encourage people in concrete positive environmental acts they themselves can take, etc.--I'm really not so much into downer news because then I feel all bummed and powerless, so I like their method. Matt hates all their quick cuts, by the way, but I'm all, "Dear, it's supposed to be edgy. That's what kids like these days."

Well, imagine my surprise while watching the latest Zaproot to see...well, me!

Keep an eye out at around 51 seconds into the video, and you'll see a screenshot of my Crafting a Green World post about writing my reps to protest the CPSIA:

Ah, fame. I have become so powerful that my mere image can now be used as shorthand for what I represent.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Heart Handmade: I Made It!

Y'all, I received SEVEN Valentines in the mail today! (And one etsy order). The big news, though, is that I mailed out TWENTY-FOUR Valentines today (and two etsy orders from my pumpkinbear etsy shop).

I glued patterned paper (sheet music or scrapbook paper) to the fronts and backs of 4"x6" pieces of recycled cardboard (cut from pizza boxes or record album covers), except for a few cool-looking record album covers that I cut down to 4"x6" and glued front-and-back. Then I cut and punched hearts of different sizes from more sheet music and scrapbook paper, and punched 1" circles in some of the cardboard Valentines. I glued hearts to the cardboard Valentines in whatever pattern I felt like (a different pattern for each one), glued pages recycled from a tiny little quote book on some, and wire-wrapped beads (some vintage amber beads, some a Christmas present from my mother) to dangle in the 1" circles of some of the cardboard Valentines. I hot-glued tinsel or thrifted bead strands around the edges of most of the Valentines, and cut and glued each Valentine a custom envelope recycled from an old atlas.

The US Valentines cost $1.17 to send, the Canadian ones cost $1.18, and the Australian one only cost $1.40. I have got to start sending more things to Australia.

Here are just a few highlights:Today was the day that Willow also finally got to wear the Salvation Army sweater I bought for her. It's about four sizes too big and has a big pull-mark on the back, so I thought I was buying it as a pillow top for her or perhaps her best little friend, but noooooo...
See? It's a knitted horse. With a real yarn mane. And a blue button eye. Of course she's going to wear it. Every. Single. Day.

And speaking of true love? This Saturday, my dear friend Molly and I are driving up to Indianapolis (By ourselves! Without my babies! Without my husband! Has not happened since before Sydney was born!) to see Old Crow Medicine Show:

If you're jealous (which you are), you should totally come and meet us there. I'll be the 30-something lady in the jeans and T-shirt, acting like she hasn't been out in public by herself since 2006.

I am so freakin' happy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

His Further Fall

Since the awful aftermath of their too-brief love affair, Barbie has gone missing, but Ken? Ken, I fear, has taken his first steps down a dark, dark path:

P.S. Check out my tutorial for making envelopes out of recycled paper on Crafting a Green World.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Whole Wheat Makes It Sturdy, Agave Makes It Sweet

Having one overripe banana and one ready-to-expire egg (and an insatiable sweet tooth--sigh), and being rather tired of many failed attempts at making banana bread (a very simple recipe that apparently completely relies on white flour and white sugar? I never had a chance), yesterday I made banana cookies using this banana cut out cookie recipe from Hip Mama magazine: My favorite things about this recipe? I was able to sub in all white whole wheat flour and agave nectar (I use agave nectar at about 3/4 the amount of sugar I would use--do you think that's right?) and the recipe still worked--a little sturdier with the whole wheat, which you're fine with if you're already used to whole wheat, and a little thicker, but then again, I'm no whiz with the rolling pin, either, so we must leave open the possibility of human error.
I also really like that this makes a cut-out cookie that looks like a sugar cookie, blonde enough to ice and decorate, but with more flavor and a little healthier than a typical sugar cookie (I was a big fan of the banana taste--next time, should I use banana extract instead of vanilla?)

Because of course, the whole point of the sugar cookie is to ice and decorate it:

And in the process, I made this whole other crazy discovery that y'all probably already know all about. So Willow wanted to ice the cookies with strawberry jam (we don't often have jam and, like her mother, Will goes a little apeshit when something delicious is in the house), but I doubted the sticking power of strawberry jam to a cookie top, and anyway we still had some cream cheese left after making the half-birthday half-cake, so I shoved the rest of the cream cheese and the rest of the strawberry jam (sorry, Willow) into the food processor and pureed it all together, and when it was done, y'all--I had made a SCHMEAR!!!

There was an Einstein's Brothers just off campus of our undergrad, and even though my super-sarcastic best friend and I used to make massive fun of just the word "schmear"--"Go on, say it." "You say it." "I'll buy you a bag of iced animal cookies if you say it. " "Fine, but then you have to say "purse." Etc.--y'all, they are delicious.

So, two great food discoveries in as many days, and Matt is currently working like a dog around the house.

Yay, Saturday.

P.S. I fear that yesterday's affair did not end well for a certain pair of lovebirds:

P.P.S. There's also some leftover blueberry pie filling in the fridge--blueberry schmear, anyone?