Monday, April 30, 2012

Before the Ballet Recital

Here's my baby ballerina, just practically almost six years old, all costumed and ready to perform her role as a flower petal in our university's pre-college program ballet recital:

This is the same child who, on the way home from her sister's gymnastics class this evening, got so mad at me for taking away the ipad before she'd finished her drawing that she began to kick the back of my seat really hard over and over again, so I pulled into the parking lot of the nearest grocery store and told her that she had to get out of the car if she couldn't ride safely, so she jumped out of the car, barefoot, ran across the (empty, whew!) parking lot, in the rain, and hid behind a dumpster.

Fortunately, this type of behavior does not faze me, because I am from the South, y'all, so I, too, jumped out of the car, chased her down, hauled her back in, lectured her mightily, and drove her back home before she could, I don't know, attempt to throw herself out of the moving minivan or something.

I swear, that kid's TEMPER! I just don't know where she gets it from!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Friday Zone Girl

In case you've been left wondering if my older daughter has been spending her time locked in a closet all these weeks while little Sydney walks the runway in a fashion show and performs on the giant stage at our university's Musical Arts Center in her ballet recital, you'll be pleased to know that while Sydney commands the stage, Willow is a TV star.

The local PBS affiliate in our university town produces an educational children's show called "The Friday Zone." It has winning young hosts, field trips to local tourist destinations, interviews with local celebrities or other people of note, and craft projects and science experiments demonstrated by the Craft Kids, little groups of children pulled from the community determined by their ability to attend a two-hour taping mid-morning on a weekday in the middle of the school year.

It makes for a fabulous homeschool field trip, actually, since there's a studio tour involved, and you get to run around with kids that you've only just met, and there are craft projects!

Earlier this spring, Matt took Willow to the studio on campus so that she could be one of the show's Craft Kids. She's a little hard to pick out on set, but she's the kid in the back row, on the right, in the green dinosaur shirt:

Ah, there she is!

She had a fabulous time, participated in two different tapings, and, this weekend, finally had the pleasure of watching herself on the big screen:

In case you don't care to watch the entire show, you can find Willow's segment beginning at the 17:20 mark, just after the segment on the junior roller derby (which you should also watch, as they're pretty awesome!).

I tell you what, I have been just amazed at these kids of mine recently. It hasn't been that long since Willow would routinely refuse to speak to a grandparent, much less a TV host, and would routinely refuse to join into conversation or games with her best friends, much less pal around with children she's only just met. She's often so very into her own head, so very impatient with anyone else's agenda, no matter how compelling it's made for her, that I'm thrilled, and very proud, to watch her enjoy being part of a group, to willingly take instruction and participate in a fun project not of her own invention. Don't get me wrong, I've long been thrilled, and incredibly proud, that I have such an independent child who will go her own way regardless of peer pressure, who knows her mind, who will not be persuaded. When I watch other parents interact with their amiable, tractable small children, I often remind myself that later in Willow's childhood and young adulthood I will WANT such an independent soul out in the world along with her silly, flighty peers. Nevertheless, I've always felt that she was missing out on the fun games of her friends, simply because she didn't want to leave a Nancy Drew novel that could be finished later, and I've often resented parenting her through her latest gigantic fit thrown because I wanted her to put on pants so that I could take the girls to some glorious children's museum or hands-on science center and spend all day following them around there.

So it's nice to see my kid chatting with other kids, doing a craft project, sitting where she's supposed to sit and not looking at the camera just as she's been asked not to. And if this new leap in maturity will also help her not throw a half-hour tantrum at the beginning of every whoppingly two-hour schoolday, or help her consent to clean her room or empty the dishwasher at the specific time when I ask her to, at least every now and then, then goodness, so much the better!

Friday, April 27, 2012

The 2012 Trashion/Refashion Show

She designed the perfect outfit.

She chose all the fancy dresses in their rainbow colors, coming with me to two different thrift stores on their various sale days to make the selections.

I sewed it up, photographed it, and sent it in to be juried.

It was accepted into the fashion show.

She practiced and practiced and practiced her runway walk:

She even drew the sidewalk chalk runway herself this time!

Of COURSE there was some last-minute sewing to do:

And some last-minute...welding? Searing?

You will be pleased to know that, in the nick of time, I finally thought of the perfect way to attach giant, bulky, cumbersome wings to a child. I'll share later.

The official word this year was that, although the Hair Arts Academy was again donating their hair and make-up services, we needed to provide our own make-up supplies. This was doubly awkward for me because not only do I not wear make-up, but I also don't know anything about make-up, and thus didn't have the first idea of what I should buy (nor did I want to *buy* anything that I was only going to need once). This is why it's good to have friends, since my buddy Kimberly was kind enough to talk me through what I would want for the look that she thought I'd want. And honestly, I did my best at CVS, agonizing over neutral but shimmery eyeshadow, and blush and lipstick, and a stick of stuff to put around your eyelids, and mascara, and body glitter, and then actually spending 60 FREAKING dollars of my homeschool/crafts budget to buy it all, but when we got to Hair Arts Academy and met our stylist, Jordan, he listened to me so kindly and patiently as I described the neutral and shimmery look I was going for, but when I handed him a CVS bag clearly full of totally random make-up, told him (as if he didn't already know!) that I didn't know anything about that stuff, and mentioned that whatever he didn't use I'd return to the store, he very kindly and patiently, without even looking in the bag, handed it back to me and said, "Why don't we just use my make-up, and you can return all that?"

Thanks, Jordan!

Fortunately, Sydney knew EXACTLY what she wanted to do with her hair--two small braids with rainbow beads on each side of her head (inspired by a little playmate who often has all her hair done up in gorgeous beaded braids) and a ballet bun. My friend who does her daughter's hair in those enviable beaded braids told me how to do them, and I had them finished before we got to Hair Arts Academy, since they're so time-consuming that I didn't want her stylist to have to stand there and do them all while a million other models waited their turns. It was actually pretty great, since Sydney's beaded braids got loads of compliments from all the stylists--it's like in The Hunger Games novel, when everyone falls in love with the complicated braid that Katniss' mother puts in her hair the morning of the Reaping, and you know that, for all her flaws, her catatonic depression and how she would have just let her kids starve to death, at least she can do her daughter's hair real cute.

Jordan's ballet bun also seriously blew mine out of the water:

Yep, glittery eyelids:

Hair and make-up, a dress rehearsal, and a photo shoot (or twenty)--

--made for a LONG day, and by the time the main event FINALLY arrived, the kid had her game face on, ready to go: 

The Jefferson Street Marching Band was the opening act:

And then, my baby's big moment:

Then a TV interview:

And THEN she got to just sit back and relax!

It would be so easy to mess this kid up, this child who can never have enough attention, who loves clothes, who craves the approval of others. It would be so easy to dress her effeminately, to praise her for being so pretty. She would be easy to encourage into the most constricted stereotype of the girly-girl. She'd do toddler beauty pageants if I asked her to, dolled up in heavy make-up and fake hairpieces and inappropriate clothing, shaking her butt and winking on stage. She'd go with me to commercial auditions, and consent to be a child actor on a sit-com, or mouth pop tunes on a tour of all the shopping malls in America.

The hard thing about this kid is to parent her while respecting her passions, but without degrading them into the usual sort of stereotypical girly-girl pop culture fluff--to channel her love of acquiring fancy clothes into fashion design, and to allow her to take ownership of her passions, even if it means I get dragged into a major fashion show every year. To show her that make-up is a legitimate craft. To praise originality over conformity. To interest myself in what SHE loves. To tell her that yes, she is a lovely child, but that loveliness is a circumstance, not an accomplishment. To buy her those shoes that can only be described as stripper heels, since they're on sale and I can afford them, but to require her to wear her purple Keen's sandals on the runway instead since the stripper heels are slippery and the Keen's won't cause her to fall off the stage. To also buy her real make-up to play with, and to allow her to walk out in public with me even when she puts what seems like all of it on her face, but to also buy her real clown make-up, and to allow her to walk out in public with me when she paints her entire face like a baby jaguar, and then again the next day when she's a zebra.

Yep, she can be a HARD kid to parent (aren't they all?). But oh, this journey with her is worth it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Labeling the Giant Map of Africa

Remember our big map of Africa, up on the living room wall? It's still with us!

We left off working with it for a bit when I started homeschool boot camp, but even though Willow is still really struggling with focusing on her schoolwork, she does love geography, and she does love complicated projects, so it's come back into rotation.

My first thought was to use map labeling as copywork practice, but then I decided that I'd rather have the children doing copywork at the sentence level so that they could practice grammar, and using primarily common nouns or really important proper nouns so that they could practice their spelling, and THEN I purchased the Africa pin flag maps from Montessori Print Shop, and discovered that the set comes with two sets of country labels, WAY too big to use with the pin flag maps, still too big to use with the Montessori map puzzle that the instructions say that the labels are for (if I print them 1/4-size, perhaps...), but just right to use with our big map of Africa.

Labeling the big map of Africa involves several steps, all of which Will did independently:

First, she cut all the labels out, a task that I spread out over a couple of days, since Willow doesn't enjoy cutting. At some point while she was doing that, I drew in the two countries, Eritrea and Djibouti, that our Megamaps map of Africa doesn't include. This was very easy, since both countries are inside the former border of Ethiopia.

Willow spread all the labels out, chose them one at a time, compared each one to the map master until she found its location--

--then used a glue stick to glue it to the proper country:

I had expected to spread this activity out over several days, but Willow enjoyed it, really focused on it, and finished it in two:

If you wanted to make this activity repeatable, you could laminate the labels, and use tiny bits of Velcro on the backs of the labels and on the countries. I finally decided to splurge on pin flags, however, so we'll (and yes, I do mean WE, since I don't know these countries, either!) be memorizing the countries with those, and I plan for our Africa map to become so vastly cluttered with other information that leaving space to re-label the countries numerous times simply isn't practical.

For these labels, which we can now print as many times as we'd like, I have other extension activities in mind:

  • using them to practice alphabetical ordering
  • using them as headers for individual country pages in a handmade Africa book
  • if I print them quite small, I'm toying with the idea of gluing them to the backs of the pieces in our Montessori Africa puzzle
  • if they're legible when printed VERY small, we can use them to practice labeling the pin flag map at times when getting out the pin flags would be impractical
  • and, yes, probably we will eventually get to using them for copywork and to memorize the spellings of the countries

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Just One Candle

The schedule in the past couple of weeks has become that end-of-the-school-year-hectic thing that I always forget it does, what with ballet recital rehearsal twice a week (have I mentioned yet that the pre-college program is doing a kiddie version of Swan Lake for their recital? It's either brilliant or mad), and fashion show rehearsal three times a week (The Trashion/Refashion Show is TOMORROW!!!), so although it's been weeks since I snapped the photos, only this morning did I finally manage to get the long-promised One Rolled Beeswax Birthday Candle listing up on my pumpkinbear etsy shop:

I'd planned to publish the One Rolled Beeswax Waldorf Candle listing, too, but I discovered that when I did the photo shoot of COURSE I forgot to snap pictures of the single Waldorf candle, especially since I had a million Waldorf candles out for the shoot and DID manage to get photos of the single birthday candle...


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Homeschool Boot Camp

As I've mentioned before, I've really been struggling with our homeschool in the past couple of months. For some reason, our casual pattern of work and play just stopped clicking around then, and as the children became reluctant and combatant at the mere prospect of work, I've become resentful and frustrated, myself, to the point at which any act of carelessness or unhelpfulness, however small, on the part of other members of my family (husband included), have effected my mental state quite out of proportion to the crime.

My ultimate goal is for the children to be able to tolerate, cheerfully, approximately two hours of schoolwork approximately four days a week--part worksheet drills, part memorization, part hands-on projects. I want this work to be completed early in the day, to leave the rest of the day free for playgrounds, the library, drawing, listening to audiobooks, digging in the mud, etc. I want this work to be completely wholeheartedly, with a good attitude.

To that end, because this is NOT where we are right now, I've backed way up--basically, until they have it mastered, we're now going to spend our school time learning how to do school.

For now, forget the fun hands-on projects as part of school (I can sneak them in later in the day, if there's time and interest)--I'm not going to spend hours planning activities that get fussed at out-of-hand while the children test their boundaries. Forget work that requires a lot of parent interaction--I am profoundly weary of these negative experiences being the norm. For now, the children have approximately one hour of seatwork, at the table, to be completed right after breakfast.

All the work is in worksheet form, and can be completed independently, although I do sit with them as I read the paper and handle the day's emails and etsy shop business. Some of the worksheets are the meaningful work that they'd do anyway, such as math drills and handwriting copywork:

The rest, however, is interesting stuff that I'd normally call busywork, because it's not directly relevant or contextual to anything that we're already working on--a book of paper crafts that children can do independently, fact-based coloring pages, logic problems, drawing instruction, mazes and word searches, etc.


The work has to be stuff that I think they'll find interesting, because I do not want them to absolutely sit in tedium (unless it's necessary), but the time--approximately an hour--should also be a bit of a stretch, though just a bit. I'm pleased when I can see that they're ready to be done, and yet they still finish those last two worksheets without *much* complaint. When they're well accustomed to sitting and working, I'll take a stab at beginning to include something a little more parent-involved (and therefore more elaborate and fun), and if, by then, they've gotten themselves out of the habit of snapping at me like baby vipers just for the habit of snapping, then projects like color wheels and tulip dissection and bookmaking and microscopes can start to again take the place of some of that busywork.

When the children can sit and work for an hour, AND can interact with me appropriately in the context of school, then we're going to gradually work another, more active, hour into the work plan--nature studies, science experiments, movie making, etc.

And THEN I will win some sort of award for the nervous breakdown that I did not have in April 2012.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tutorial: Baked Tortilla Chips

To save money, I've been trying to bake from scratch more of the things that I buy from the grocery store--especially stuff, like chips or condiments or baguettes, that it would be healthier NOT to buy at all, sigh.

If you start with a package of corn tortillas (If a healthy, organic brand is available, I purchase that one. If none of the brands look particularly healthy, I purchase the cheapest!), homemade tortilla chips are way more delicious, and CRAZY cheaper, than store-bought tortilla chips. They're healthier than store-bought (depending, of course, on the quality of tortilla), and, since you can only bake one pan at a time, they come with built-in portion control. I often find that my laziness in not wanting to get up off my butt and make more tortilla chips trumps my greediness in wanting to eat a million tortilla chips. Yay?

So, preheat the oven to the broil setting, get out a big pan, then grab a stack of corn tortillas and, using kitchen scissors, cut the entire stack into quarters. Spread them out without overlapping onto the pan, and spritz really quickly with any oil other than olive, which shouldn't be heated this high or it'll give you cancer or something. Sprinkle with kosher salt.

Pop the pan into the oven (I don't care what rack you use) for 4 minutes, then take them out and, using tongs, flip all the chips over and spritz with oil.

Pop the pan back into the oven and set the timer for another 4 minutes. At this point, check out the chips. Do they look crispy, with some brown spots?

Take them out and nom them! Otherwise, leave them in and watch them--it sometimes takes some futzing to figure out the perfect time. If you have to leave your chips in for more than one extra minute, then add a minute to the time that you first broil them before you flip them over.

I have a heavy hand with the oil spritzing and the salt, which means that my chips don't keep well--I think the salt is supposed to make them soft, and the oil is supposed to make them tough, if you try to store them. I usually make one batch at a time, and simply bake more if it looks like people want more; the chips don't take that long to make, and it cuts down on waste. I eat them with either this cashew-spinach dip or this salsa that I make so spicy that it practically burns my tongue off. Yum!