Showing posts with label pinback buttons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pinback buttons. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Scrappy Saturday

I woke up this morning in the middle of a little-girl sandwich (Matt had long ago escaped to the girls' bed, after they'd escaped to ours). Each little girl snuggled and snuggled up to me, and if I tried to roll from my stomach to my back, the space I left as I rolled would be filled by little girls before I could re-occupy it.

And then I woke up. And then Matt and Will went to their Lowe's Build-and-Grow workshop (do you go to these? They're awesome) while Syd got to watch The Land Before Time as a bribe for being left behind. And then I went to work out (If you ever want to see a bunch of ladies lose their shit, throw them all into Curves with another lady who doesn't change stations every 30 seconds when the intercom says, "Change stations now"). And then we got groceries. And then I ate sushi. And then Matt made me a big desk (out of a door, of course). And then the girls fought over a library book (The book had a giraffe in it--obviously, punches were thrown). And then I finished Ringworld. And then I worked on my syllabus because spring semester classes start on Monday (barf).

And then I made these:

Bear with me, because I'm kind of ridiculously excited about them. They're little, and cute, and made with scraps of paper that I was going to recycle, so that's, like, bonus points, and it's the first time I thought to layer the papers that I put in my button machine, although now I'm all, "Of course!"

And so I made, um... a lot. Some are for my girls, some are to give to Will's classmates on Valentine's Day, some are to save for go-to presents for birthdays and such, and some scrappy little heart pinbacks are up in the pumpkinbear etsy shop.

I'm super excited about the ones I'm going to make tomorrow out of old songbook sheets.

And check out the dinosaur sweater Willow is sporting in her etsy photo shoot--Salvation Army. Twenty-five cents.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Two New

In between drinking coffee, moving shrubs, working on a Halloween bunting for the girlies, doing laundry, eating Chinese food, cleaning house, coloring autumn pictures with the girlies, buying matte net at Joann's for 40% off (the girls need Swan Lake-style pancake tutus, obviously--I'm going to use this tutorial from Burdastyle), eating more Chinese food, and telling Willow another chapter in the story about Princess Willow who accidentally sent her daddy to the other side of the world to get her a flying horse but went after him when she realized that if he did what she told him to he wouldn't be back for years and years (adventures ensue), I posted a recycled denim and burlap bunting--

--and a set of International Breastfeeding Symbol pinback buttons----to my etsy shop. You'll probably be seeing both of these things around more this season, since I was invited to sell some pinbacks at the Bloomington Area Birth Services (I was thinking I'd donate half the price? Too stingy? Profit does tend to keep me off of welfare, however...), and I am apparently now obsessed with buntings.

More on that later.