Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Story of the Arkansas State Flag

We travel enough inside of the United States that for for years now, our US geography study has consisted of a detailed exploration of whatever state we're planning to visit or have just visited. It always includes the following:
  • memorizing the state's details and symbols and notation of this information on a large US map (I recently tore down this map, since we're moving, and put together a smaller, portable version on a tri-fold dry erase board that Matt and I made)
  • reading the relevant book from the Discover America State by State series (I LOVE this series, and am slowly collecting all the volumes as I come across secondhand copies), and the completion of any activities that I especially like from the set's teacher's guides
  • reading any good living books about the state and, for Will, one of those larger non-fiction state books (I don't really have a favorite series, as they're all pretty dry)
  • cooking a recipe from the state--we still make Philly cheesesteak sandwiches a lot!
  • including notable places in our travel to that state--we've visited Gettysburg, the Crayola Experience, and Hershey's Chocolate World in Pennsylvania; the Yale Peabody Museum in Connecticut; the Trail of Tears and a set of gallows in Arkansas; redwoods and beaches in California; and of course EVERYTHING in Indiana!
As part of memorizing each state's symbols, I usually give the kids coloring pages, and then they research the correct way to color the state bird, say, or the flower, or the flag. Syd loves this coloring, and will often spend a ton of time making each page just gorgeous, but Will is a kid who is thirsty for facts, facts that even *I*, who also love facts, tend to see as dry, and she just soaks them up wherever they lie, and that's how I found that the simple request, "Tell me about your flag," led to a whole swath of information that I had no idea the kid had picked up in her research and retained. Obviously, I grabbed the camera and asked her to do it again!

 In lieu of studying every single state this way (it would take us to college and beyond!), my goal for us is to memorize all the US states and capitals during the course of our big road trip next month, and then to continue with our tradition of in-depth study of states that we're planning to visit.

I can't decide, though: memorize states in alphabetical order, by geographical location, or by order of statehood? Song, poem, or list? All of the above?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Equine Artwork

One lesson from our Drawing With Children studies that I'm really pleased to see Syd grasp is that copying is perfectly okay.

I don't think Drawing with Children specifically mentioned our exact method, but if Syd (Will still rarely chooses to create art, although she did some drawing as part of plans for a butterfly garden a few weeks ago, and was noticeably at ease with it) mentions wanting to draw something in particular, such as the horse that she requested last week, I encourage her to look through our large collection of coloring books and choose an appropriate image to copy. The clean, dark lines in coloring book drawings lend themselves really well to the methods that we've been learning.

Fortunately, we've got a few really good coloring books of horses, and they were enough inspiration for Syd to sit down several times over the course of a couple of days and complete not just one, but many very detailed drawings of horses. Here are some of them:

Just as Drawing with Children suggests, Syd copied what she needed to copy but used it creatively--in all these pieces, she copied the horse itself, but added everything else from her own imagination. I especially like the tack that she adds; because of horseback riding lessons, Syd was able to tell me every single piece of tack that she put on her horse drawings, how to put it on, and what it's used for. I love that you can also tell, just from her art, that she learns English, not Western, riding--can you see where she illustrates that?

I sometimes have doubts about the horseback riding lessons that the children take--they're so, so, SO expensive and must be budgeted for so carefully, and it's not as if the children really have many chances to ride outside of their classes--but the children love their lessons and love the horses that they ride, I can see that the riding is good for their bodies and their hearts, and it's a life skill that I hope will be always useful. Will occasionally speaks of when she'll be old enough to volunteer with PALS, and at Girl Scout camp orientation both kids carefully noted the children at the corral taking their riding tests in order to qualify for "wrangler" camp--next summer, that could be them, if they wish!

Their riding instructor and I have spoken several times about the possibility of offering Girl Scout workshops at PALS; the program head and I have spoken about offering ongoing homeschool classes; and the head instructor and I have spoken about starting a Pony Club that would be inclusive of both recreational and therapeutic riding students. I'm hopeful that in the near future, these expensive yet valuable horseback riding lessons can become part of a larger context of equine enrichment for the kids, and ideally also for a slew of brand-new horse-loving friends.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Latest: Packed Lunch and Home Repair (and Panic)

a write-up of the felted wool lunch bags that I made for the kids

and a round-up of other DIY packed lunch storage solutions--I really want to make a bento box!

Things are a little crazy around here right now. Matt's focused on getting all our utilities hooked up, moving our stuff over to the new house (he's really only got time for one trip every evening, so what gets moved is kind of random--yesterday the coffee table, all our old yearbooks, my writing portfolio, and some potted plants went), arranging the repairs that must be done, figuring out how to make the most massive wall-mounted pipe-and-marble bookshelf EVER (more on that later), and researching the couple of things that we MUST buy--dishwasher, king-sized mattress.

I'm working on downsizing our possessions so that we're not moving for the rest of the year (yesterday I went through billions of glass and plastic kitchen storage containers--do we really need THAT many mixing bowls?!?), packing, and figuring out new stuff that we should probably buy/make/rejigger for the new house--computer station for the kids, TV stand with video game storage for the small living room, probably a second TV stand for the master bedroom so that we're not squinting across the room at our small-ish TV, and where are the kids going to put all of their thousands of treasures, none of which they insist can live in a bin with other treasures, but must instead be displayed, individually, with the maximum possible wasted space?!?

On top of that, I've been doing some crafting/shopping for sleepaway camp next month--Will has no pajamas, the kids both require socks that go "over the ankle," and their own flashlights, and EVERY ITEM MUST BE LABELED.

Oh, AND it's already high time to get organized for our big road trip and dinosaur dig. The paleontology and Laura Ingalls Wilder unit studies need to get fired up, and I need to figure out what to buy to keep us from dying of heat stroke, and I'm worried that I should actually go ahead and pack us for this trip, lest all the stuff that we need--binoculars, bug spray, sunhats, etc.--get lost in boxes and can't be found next month.

Hmm, should I go ahead and pack for sleepaway camp, too, for the same reason?

And what about Will's birthday, which will take place during our dino dig? Should I buy, wrap, and bring her present along? Have her birthday early? Late?

Okay, I need to stop writing now. I have seriously just elevated my heart rate while sitting at a table in the middle of the public library. I'm going to go get that current issue of Entertainment Weekly that's on the shelf over there and not think another thought about my to-do list until I have read the entire thing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Eastern Tent Caterpillar Hatches

This was quite a year for Eastern tent caterpillars, and Will, especially, just reveled in them. She held them, she let them crawl on her while reading or doing schoolwork, she lost them in the house and then rediscovered them crawling across the kitchen table or on someone's shoulder (sigh), she built habitats for them to watch them eat and cocoon, she wrote about them in her journal, she showed her friends how she could gently put her hand inside a tent and pet the hundreds of caterpillars inside, she bravely defended them to adults who griped about them being pests--"Actually," Will would always speak up, her reticence about speaking to adults forgotten in defense of her caterpillars, "Eastern tent caterpillars are native to this region. They won't kill trees."

Finally, after the entire caterpillar season was over--after many caterpillars were helped across streets and parking lots, after many caterpillars were brought inside to play before being taken back to their trees, after a jar filled with leaves and twigs and several caterpillar cocoons was left out in a rainstorm and drowned, to much devastating grief and guilt--Will found herself with one last Eastern tent caterpillar, one last chance to love it, feed it, give it a safe place to cocoon inside her kid-made bug barn, and raise it to an adult.

She hatched this weekend:

I didn't realize that the moths would be so pretty! This one is female, and she was so cutely fuzzy. Look at her feathery antennae!

They're nocturnal, which I suppose explains why I've never seen them before, and the females also have a very short lifespan, so we got this one back into her environment as soon as possible so that she could eat, mate, and give the kids some more babies to love on next year.

Will is a little sad that there aren't any more Eastern tent caterpillars around to love, but at least she has a good three dozen tadpoles in a glass aquarium out on the back deck to comfort herself with.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Special Effects Makeup for the Girl Scout Entertainment Technology Junior Badge

Girl Scout badges are something that we work on almost every day, often as part of the kids' schoolwork. If you were diligent about the extra activities that you assign or the badges that you select, you could absolutely use Girl Scout badges as your entire homeschool curriculum, but we tend to work on the kids' Girl Scout badges as unit studies along with our other studies--it's a great way to insert novel areas of study into my otherwise pretty methodical lesson plans.

One of the badges that Will's been working on for a while now is the Entertainment Technology Junior badge. She's filmed a stop-motion animation, built a thaumatrope and a catapult, programmed in Scratch, and done a lot of reading and documentary watching. A few weeks ago, she said that she wanted to complete the "Create your own special effects" step, so I pointed her to the children's face painting book that I had checked out of the library for this, helped her find the face paints and brushes, and set up our giant mirror outside on the deck for her:
The mirror is filthy because, although it's huge, we're always moving it, often outside, for various activities.

Will REALLY wanted to paint Syd's face like a puppy, but Syd just was not going to let her. Syd did, however, consent to act like a puppy for us:

Instead, Will decided to paint herself like a zombie: 

I've been wanting to restock this clown makeup with additional colors for YEARS. Now that we're finally out of white, that's my excuse!

 Will worked hard on herself, with a ton of focus, and was THRILLED with the results!

Immediately after this, we biked over to our polling place so that I could vote in some local primaries (and spend some time with the kids studying and explaining the ballot--it's part of Will's Inside Government Junior badge!). Will was hugely tickled to discover that every single poll worker was interested in hearing the entire story behind her makeup--of course, instead of actually telling them the story, Will just began to act like a zombie who was staggering over to eat their faces off, but that's her way of acting thrilled. One poll worker was so impressed that he clearly sensed a kindred spirit in her, and pulled out his phone to show her a bunch of photos of a greenhouse that he built behind his house. That dude has a pineapple tree in his greenhouse! And a fig tree! With figs!!!

Will still has a few activities that I'd like her to complete before I sew her Entertainment Technology patch on, but to be fair, this badge is HUGE, encompassing what amounts to an entirely different subject for each step. This is absolutely one of those badges that, if you were schooling solely through Girl Scout badges, could take you through an entire semester of math, science, history, creative writing, technology, and art. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Latest: Blue Jeans and Rosemary

Matt took the kids to a Girl Scout camp-out at the professional baseball field in Indianapolis this past weekend, so I had a full 24 hours to myself--the longest, I think, that I have EVER spent away from my girls!

It was wonderful. That first night, after they had left, I baked French fries for dinner, then read and watched Harry Potter movies until I fell asleep in the smack middle of the bed. I got up super-early the next morning, as I often do, and then realized that, gloriously, I did not have to tip-toe around the house for the next two hours! Up north in Indy, our other early riser, Will, discovered that getting up super-early at the baseball field meant that she was one of the few girls to get to have a doughnut before they ran out. Back here at home, I turned on the lights, made some coffee, and got right to work with the crafting and writing that I had to do; by the time the rest of the family got home that afternoon, I'd written three posts for my freelance gigs, completed two urgent craft projects, and packaged and mailed an etsy order--basically my entire weekend's work! And that's not even counting the cooking, cleaning, gardening, exercising, and shopping that I also got done.

But back to that writing--here it is:

Productivity like that *almost* makes me want to suggest that Matt take the kids out for the day more often, but I would really only want to do that if he promised to only take them places that I didn't want to go to, too, like to the middle of a baseball field to sleep, or to the Children's Museum for the thousandth time. Anywhere else, and you'd probably find me right there with them, elbowing the kids aside to get myself to the front of the line.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Book Review: The Forgotten Seamstress, by Liz Trenow

Take note: My reviews always contains billions of spoilers! Be warned!

The Forgotten SeamstressThe Forgotten Seamstress by Liz Trenow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fair warning: I was given this book by a publicist who knows that I like "crafty" books.

This crafty book, however, also speaks to another of my reading passions: the postmodern novel. If you haven't read The Crying of Lot 49, think of The DaVinci Code, I guess--you've got your questionable narrators, your ending that isn't totally tied up into a neat little package, your mixing of high and low cultures, your "metafiction", etc. Add to that my further loves of mysteries and conspiracy fiction, and I was happy as a clam reading about a prince's secret seamstress lover, the conspiracy that incarcerated her in a mental institution for decades, and the tricky methodology for establishing the provenance of a quilt of hers that resurfaced something like a century later.

My favorite aspect of the novel is the relationships between the female characters. The men are either thoughtless cads who use their wealth and privilege to abuse a woman without money or resources, servants of the plot (like that interior design guy), or amiable, affable, easy-going fellows who most definitely would NOT seduce a woman, lock her away, and kidnap her baby. The female characters, however, are complicated, they suffer and prevail in small ways and then suffer some more, but are able to rely on each other in ways that they cannot rely on their families or the men in their lives. It's telling, I think, that the prince does not rescue (or even seem to think about ever again) his former lover; it's the heroine's best buddy who eventually finds her and saves her, and the woman who secretly, illegally adopted the heroine's baby who aids her, and then brings her into her family, as well.

Because relationships are complicated, and lives can be sad, it's fitting that the book doesn't end with absolutely everything happily ever after. Frankly, I have doubts about the longevity of Caroline's business idea--patchwork upholstery? Really?--and that antique quilt is never going to be the same, no matter how extensive the restoration, and why would you not want to tell the world that you're a part of the royal lineage?!? Are UK people just bored with the whole royalty thing, that they seriously wouldn't be interested in being Queen Elizabeth's great grand-niece or whatever? I'd totally be all over that--I want to be a duchess!

But the ending fits the book, since you know that when the story is over, there is still going to be some sad and some happy and some sad again in the characters' lives, just as their will be in ours.

View all my reviews