Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And If You, As Well, Like Things That are Free...

I'm taking a break from my Yourself Fitness workout (Five minutes of heel jacks? Really, Maya?) to participate in this meme I found at One Gal's Trash (she got it from Vintage Rescue Squad). It's super-awesome, because here's what I get to do:

The first 5 people who respond to this post will get something made by will be my choice, but made especially for you. This offer does have some restrictions & limitations...

*What I create will be just for you, and it will, like most of my work, include recycled elements as primary components.
*I make no guarantees that you will like it...but I hope you do! Feel free to tell me the kinds of stuff you're most fond of, ESPECIALLY if you're a big, dorky fangeek just like me.
*You will receive this item before the end of the year...or sooner.
*You will have no idea what the item will be, or when you will receive it.

*****The BIG catch is you have to repost this Meme on your blog and put together something to be sent out as 5 surprises of your own. These surprises can be anything....a piece of art, a photo, a poem...whatever you choose...

On account of I have always wanted to be involved in my own pyramid scheme, of sorts.

So, friends, put on your thinking caps, send along this meme and then comment back here to let me know that you, too, will send a surprise into the lives of five more friends this year.

P.S. Look what I made! I'm going a little crazy with the comic book love, I know. These particular bad boys will be going up in my pumpkinbear etsy shop as soon as I've finished my workout, fed the girls lunch and gotten them dressed, written my lesson plans and homework for tonight, and baked beer bread and roasted tomatoes so that Matt doesn't feed the girls sauce-less tortellini for the THIRD night in a row while I'm teaching tonight--
--but if you happen to be local, I dropped 50 more over at the gift shop of the Waldron Art Center yesterday afternoon. My goal is to eventually inspire the entire town to walk around wearing non-sequiter comic book dialogue by the end of the year.


  1. I'm in like Flynn! When do I have to post it on my blog? Today?

  2. count me in. i've got my post up. yay!

  3. my post is up as well because apparently I have reading comprehension problems!

  4. I want to play, too! I posted my version of the meme. (Feel free to leave a comment--it could be a surprise swap!)

  5. I'll play along!

    This will mean I have to post on my blog, eh?

  6. I missed the cut-off, but what a fabulous idea! I'll do it at Cake's... :)

  7. Teresa, I think you still count--you're the fifth person to comment (kimberly-327 posted twice).

  8. Yay, you guys! It looks like we've got kimberly-327, cake, Meg, Clever Mom, and Teresa R (unless she's playing over at cake's)!

    Midterms are nutso (and so are my students), but I'll be contacting you awesome players shortly-ish to get your addies, and then you can live in anticipation for your secret surprises!

  9. can't teresa play two? can't you? i only ask because i want to send you something i've made...
    is that what meg meant by "surprise swap?"

    rules are made to be broken.

  10. I would also like to send you something! I only had four takers on my site, and would like to do a little crafty surprise for you as my fifth. Would that be alright?
