Friday, March 6, 2009

Bye-Bye, Birthday Bunting

This past weekend I spent sewing up a personalized bunting from my pumpkinbear etsy shop and sending it off to its new home in Alaska!My favorite thing about doing custom sewing for people is that I'm usually called upon to use color combinations that I normally wouldn't consider--you never could have told me before this project that I would like the combination of lime green, lavender, and rose......but after sewing with it, I love that combination! It's youthful and playful and fun without being too childlike--the colors are a little unexpected together, but the fact that they're all pretty light versions of themselves allows them to pop without being garish:So now, of course, I'm all about the birthday bunting. I'm thinking of adding a listing just for a pick-your-own-colors Happy Birthday bunting in my shop (with a simple symbol on either end as well as in between the words----it comes to 16 pennant flags), as well as sewing up a few in some more traditional colors to be able to sell instantly and to show at craft fairs, and I've also, of course, been planning out some bunting ideas for my own girls' happy summer birthdays.

And of COURSE each girl has to have her own. Sydney's I'm thinking of doing in rainbow colors, but I asked Will to draw me a design of what she'd like her birthday bunting to look like:Oh, dear--where to even begin?