As a matter of fact, I *really* only had to completely ignore them on Tuesday, when I spent a good ten hours creating Syd's fashion show pants out of prom dresses and stress (Matt made us a celebratory pitcher of frozen margaritas after I was finished and the kids were in bed--those two Game of Thrones episodes that we watched afterwards were totally wasted on me), but to my surprise, the kids have taken off with this responsibility, and have spent the majority of their days in academic pursuits.
Their inspiration? Workbooks, of all things. I have a large collection of workbooks that we don't often use (they're a crutch for weeks like these!), so on Monday night, after our day-long ski trip and Will's evening Ice Show rehearsal, yawn, and before we all crashed out early--seriously, I accidentally fell asleep at 9 pm while Matt was trying to have a conversation with me about what we should eat for dinner--I dragged out all our workbooks of math drills, geography, puzzles, mazes, and cursive, etc., and laid them out on the coffee table. It turns out that the kids were happy to do pages and pages of math drills, as long as they got to choose what math to do; Will loves word problems, and Syd feels like a real ace at multi-digit addition.
Each kid has also been doing a lot of math puzzles--Syd likes this number cross puzzles
The polymers are easy to dye in colored water, so of course we then had to get out the color-mixing tablets, and one entire day was spent in color mixing and pouring, baths in colored bathwater, growing polymer shapes and dyeing them and mashing them and playing with them:
In the process, Syd made another VERY interesting discovery:
How cool is that?!? Time for a mini-unit on optics!
Love it! Weeks like these seem to be the most fun.
Emma has been digging the "Who Is/Was" biography series lately. She read about Jane Goodall, William Shakespeare, and Roald Dahl. We even printed out a funky book report sheet from Super Teacher Worksheets that she enjoys filling out (until I tell her to fill the entire thing out!).
Next week we will start working on her Junior Master Horseman curriculum with her friend (that also loves horses). I'm pretty excited about that!
Okay, I'm going to see if I can interlibrary loan that Junior Master Horseman book right this second! You'll have to keep me updated with how you like it.
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