Thursday, March 3, 2011

We Heart Our Chalkboard Globe

It's our new favorite homeschool tool! Syd, especially, who's my tactile, hands-on, art project go-to girl, loves the chalkboard globe that I made from a 25-cent garage sale globe from the 1960s and a can of chalkboard paint (check out my chalkboard globe tutorial over at Crafting a Green World if you, too, have a globe that still proudly sports the USSR).

It's fun for doodling and artistry of all sorts:
 Fun for geography:
 Fun for math and spelling:
 And fun for copywork:
Prang Pastello Art Chalk, 24 Colors per BoxIt's brought us back to an art chalk renaissance, of sorts, and since I have just about 99% of a can of chalkboard paint left, I'm spending this week snooping around my house, spying out other hapless materials to turn into chalkboards!


  1. That is so very COOL! Now I am going to have to keep my eye open for an old globe!!

  2. Nice. So, so cool.
    I did miss the tute, it is a fabulous idea! And I'll be watching for one, too. :)

  3. I've never seen this before, how cool! Do you find that it's hard to read the chalk though?

  4. The thing about chalk is that you just can't write that small with it, but I think our chalkboard globe is of comparable quality to a store-bought chalkboard. We haven't yet done a lot of intricate labeling of geographical areas (I'd probably choose transparencies on our overhead projector for that), but a little pal of the girls' came over for a playdate last week, sat down with the chalkboard globe, the regular globe, and the box of chalk, and drew a pretty darn awesome continent of Africa, complete with color coding for the countries. He's six, too, and amazing.
