Friday, March 4, 2011

The Most Ridiculously Cute Superhero at the Playground

The purple and pink superhero cape that I sewed as a birthday present for a little buddy of Sydney's was already tooth-achingly cute, but I had the feeling that it could be made even more nauseatingly cuter:

Buttons! I certainly wouldn't recommed this for the under-three set, but Syd's pal is turning a grand three years old, and so I glued each button down with clear epoxy glue, then stitched each one to the cape with achingly cute pink thread:

Syd, of course, couldn't permit her friend to receive an untested cape--what if it malfunctioned, somehow, and did NOT render superpowers? So we spent some time at the playground on the eve before the big ballerina party, so that Syd could make sure that the cape rendered its powers effectively:
 Yep, seems to work just fine.


  1. I want one! For me. I don't care that I'm almost 27 with a little superhero of my own. ;-)

  2. she looks pretty pleased with it, think you?
