Friday, December 10, 2010

Bound for Cleveland

I have been crafting my butt off, in what often seems like ten-second intervals, to get a ton of stuff and all my infrastructure prepped for Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland tomorrow. Ten-second intervals, of course, is what I get between helping make Rice Crispy Christmas trees, baking bread, setting up science experiments (and cleaning up after them), setting up art projects (and cleaning up after them), reading books out loud, setting up the telescope (and putting it away), chilling at the playground, chilling at the library, taking the girls Christmas shopping, taking the girls to playdates, taking the girls to ballet class and ice skating class, etc., etc., etc.

I never get nearly as much done as I want to, and not quite as much done as I need to, but here's what I did get done. I've got--

Rocket Pop Crayons 

Felted Wool Sweater Trees
--and travel felt playmats, six different felt playsets, comic book pinback buttons, dictionary cut-out pinback buttons, record bowls, coffee cup chia kits, colored pencil roll-ups, tutus, I Spy quilts, blue jean quilts, and T-shirt quilts.

Think I have enough? Well, it has to be enough, because we're leaving in two hours, and I still have to pack, pack the girls' stuff, pack the craft fair stuff, write another CAGW blog post, make lunch (and clean up after it), laminate some signs, find my favorite hoodie...

Etc., etc., etc.

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