Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland 2010


Prepping for Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland added a CRAZY amount of pre-holiday stress to my pre-holiday stress, from trying to craft extra-large multiples of everything to figuring out how to cram all my stuff onto a table display to the 6.5-hour drive late at night, but it was so worth it.

The lights were customizable:

This allowed us to perfectly spotlight everything from the felted wool Christmas trees--

And all that was left was to get a perfect picture with my sweet, sweetly-smiling little kids:

Oh, well.

While I sold my butt off and gossiped with my neighbor, JukeBoxArt, Matty and the kids hung out at the Great Lakes Science Center and the Children's Museum of Cleveland, and did a lot of swimming. They came back to Bizarre Bazaar to do a little shopping, since I had taken great care to instruct the children to tell their daddy that they really, really, REALLY wanted to buy a Christmas present for me at Bazaar Bizarre. Having kids is so great!

One thing that I love about big indie craft fairs is how awesome EVERYTHING is. Whenever Matt drops by, he'll watch the booth for a while so that I can stretch my legs, look around, and visit a little, and I swear, at every single table that I pass, I want to buy everything on that table. At one point, the organizer got on the intercom to announce that an item had been found in the women's restroom.

"If anyone lost a glass bracelet with the Seven Deadly Sins on it, please come to the information table," she said. And I swear, every single person at the craft fair (including me) stopped and was all, "Ooh! Seven Deadly Sins! Did she buy that here?"

I still want that bracelet, actually...

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