Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Magic Tree House on Our Timeline (Updated August 2022)

Last night, they listened to this book while they fell asleep!

Note: I updated this post in August 2022 to include in my timeline list all the Magic Tree House books that had been published after November 2010. 

Dishes are in the dishwasher, laundry is in the washing machine, dinner is on the stove, one kid is playing LEGOs while the other kid reads on the couch, and the house that Matt painstakingly straightened while we were gone is trashed, trashed, TRASHED.

We must be home again!

We left a few projects in the lurch for our trip--our bat house, the thankful tree, the Disaster Dioramas of Pompeii and the Titanic, a whole slew of Spanish flashcards--and every now and then, as the kids decompress and I continue my manic run through the holiday craft fair season, we're picking them all back up again.

For instance, we finally finished a project that we've been working on for a while--putting all the Magic Tree House books in their proper spot on our huge basement timeline. Because the kids listen to the Magic Tree House audiobooks over and over again, they've gained quite a bit of historical and geographical knowledge, but it can be tough putting that into a wider context, and wider contexts is what I am all about.

So I sent Matt thumbnails of every Magic Tree House book cover for him to lay out and print, and I made a list of where each relevant book belongs on our timeline. Want to see my list? It's pretty great:
Some books aren't included in the list because they don't take place in any particular time--wait with bated breath for our big geography project later on. We're also still reading the latest Magic Tree House, the one about Charles Dickens, and then we'll put that one on the timeline, too.

The little kid helped me cut out all the book cover thumbnails, then the big kid glued them onto the wall as I showed her where each one went. She coated each in an extra layer of glitter glue, just because, and then I went back and wrote in the timeline info:

I had no idea, until we actually started placing them, how many books Mary Pope Osborne had set in the latter half of the nineteenth century or so. If we ever move and thus need to do our timeline over again, remind me to set aside more room here just for her.

For a while the kids listened to this book over and over and over again--I think they found the part with the ghost thrilling:


I was going to encourage them to listen to Thanksgiving on Thursday, but I don't seem to have ripped the audio copy from a library CD yet. Fortunately, we own a paperback copy of the book, so perhaps we'll find time to read it out loud together today.

Interspersed with making Pilgrim paper dolls and the thankful tree and the dinner roll dough to freeze for Thursday, that is...

P.S. Want to follow along with my craft projects, books I'm reading, dog-walking mishaps, encounters with Chainsaw Helicopters, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!


  1. That is such a fantastic idea! My almost 5yo loves the audio books also, she will listen to them over and over. I love the idea of the time line. Mind if I use your hard work and print out the list?

  2. Goodness, please do--that's why I published it!

    For the wider time ranges, I just had Will glue the book cover anywhere within that time range. In the books themselves, however, one of the characters often gives a more specific date for when they really are. I didn't have the books in front of me, though, so I gleaned all my dates through research.

  3. What a fabulous idea. As a timeline addict, I love how you took something they are interested in reading/listening to and then giving them a space in time and allowing them to see how different historical events take place at similar times.

    I still have vivid memories in my mind of my childhood timeline. When I hear a date, I immediately go to the timeline in my head to get historical context on what I'm learning about! :)

  4. When we were on vacation, I also bought lots of postcards of stuff-the discovery of Pluto, the formation of the Grand Canyon, etc.--and one of our super-many projects this week is to get all of those nice and settled on our timeline.

  5. Did you read the books in published order, then place on the timeline? Or have you jumped through in historical order? We have had the books for awhile and read the first few I would love to use these more in studies, just they never seem to line up with holidays, the order is so wonky. It has been hard to plan around. Also do you have a pdf of the thumbnails for share possibly?> thanks so much for the time line post that will be of use for sure.

  6. It's actually so interesting to look back on this post, written over three years ago, because Magic Tree House is STILL part of our lives every week. At this point, we've listened to all of them (audiobooks are still our preferred method for these, since everyone can listen along while playing or working quietly) several times, and the girls still don't seem tired of them!

    We have listened to the entire series in published order at least once--most of them while on a really long road trip, and the rest as they're available on audiobook--and once a month, we revisit a particular book again, as Will's online Magic Tree House Club (available through Currclick, if you're interested) also moves through the books in published order.

    But yes, we do also re-read the books that relate to a particular subject that we're studying at the time--each one takes about an hour to listen to, so it's not a huge commitment. For instance, we recently listened to *Mummies in the Morning* over lunch, as part of the mummies and pyramids chapter of our Story of the World textbook.

    My own philosophy about visiting the books in published order vs. chronological order is that you *could* do them in chronological order, and it is certainly fun to do the Christmas books around Christmas and the Thanksgiving book around Thanksgiving, but Osborne makes no claims to provide a comprehensive history, so the books really aren't a history spine in themselves, and she also writes some books that are in geographical context rather than historical--there's an Australia book, for instance, and a moon book--AND some books are purely fantasy, better for studying Arthurian legend, or the genre of scary stores. There's also the continuity of the books themselves to consider--the books are often sorted into little sets, wherein the kids have a major quest that it takes them three or four books to accomplish, and sometimes new characters are introduced.

    Reading the books in published order worked well for us, but mind you, we first read them before we really started a formal history study, and now we mostly read them for fun and enrichment on top of that study, so we've never even attempted to use them AS a formal history study, you know?

    I'm trying to remember where I got the thumbnails for the book covers, and I'm 99% sure that it was just a Google Image search--I don't think you'll find it too hard to grab them.

  7. This is great! I was looking up a timeline for the books so we could read them as we study that time period! Thanks!

  8. The librarian in me wants to catalogue and index ALL our things now! Podcasts, Magic School Bus, Horrible Histories--think of how helpful that would be!

  9. I"m so happy to find your list, thanks so much!! We just got into the Magic Treehouse books (we are on book 3) and my teacher brain went right to-----we need a TIMELINE HERE! So tomorrow we will be turning the upstairs hallway into a time line. What the heck, we'll need to paint it anyway in the next few years before we move. Thanks again!

  10. Hey, just thought I would comment here to tell you how often I look at this post! We are making a Magic Tree House timeline, and your dates are so helpful. We are also doing a Magic Tree House world map and US map, so the kids can get a feel for WHERE the books took place as well. Thanks for the inspiration here!

  11. Thanks! I've got to figure out a timeline set-up for our new house so that I have an excuse to update this list.

    I DO have a couple of good wall maps, though--maybe it's time for the MTH geography list! Have you put yours online?

  12. Thank you for this! We are almost done listening to the series, and we are doing a map and timeline of the books. On the MTH website there is an intercitve map of where they all took place. Do you have the rest of the books dates? I have found this very helpful!

  13. Ooh, I wish Osborne would put them all into chronological order on her site, too! I haven't written down the dates for any of the later books, but it shouldn't be too difficult of a research project to undertake. Some dates are on the Magic Tree House Wiki--


    --but just a quick Googled plot summary usually gives me enough info to pin down a good date for each book.

  14. what about magic treehouses 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35 when does camp time in California take place? I'm talking about the one that isn't merlin missions but was written by mary pope Osborne

  15. Can you add and Magic tree houses 29-35 and add merlin missions 1-27?

  16. For the classic Morgan Le Fay series, I've ordered them (using your info as well as some extra) as:
    1 Cretaceous Period,
    7 Late Pleistocene Period,
    3 ~2600 BCE,
    16 ~340 BCE,
    14 ~230 BCE,
    13 August 24 79AD,
    31 172AD,
    15 9th century,
    33 986,
    2 Medieval Europe (Moat around castle suggests after 1154),
    5 1336-1600,
    34 1450s,
    25 1600 (Midsummer's Night Dream just written),
    27 1621,
    4 1690-1730,
    22 Dec 25 1776,
    32 1787,
    18 1850? (could be a bit earlier),
    10 1850s-1900?,
    28 early 1800s(could be much earlier though?),
    21 1860s,
    23 1870s,
    35 Founding of Yosemite (but haven't read yet so not totally sure) 1890?,
    30 Sept. 8 1900,
    24 April 18 1906,
    17 April 15 1912,
    29 1947,
    9 (submarine technology suggests near future...),
    8 Future on the Moon

    The books I can't place are 6-Amazon, 11-Africa/Lions, 12-Arctic/Polar Bears (There's a man on a dog sled which suggests it's before the snowmobile era though), 19 India/Tigers (Holy Man in the forest doesn't give any hints), and 20 Australia/Dingos.

    And I haven't tried to do the Merlin series yet.
