Saturday, November 27, 2010

For This, Let Us be Truly Thankful

For the first time in our entire family's existence, we are:
  1. Celebrating Thanksgiving.
  2. Celebrating together, just us four.
  3. Eating at home.
And thus Thanksgiving this year, like everything else in our lives of late, was a true adventure.

It wasn't as elaborate or as long-term as I'd originally planned, in light of our impromptu cross-country road trip, but the girls and I did make the much-desired thankful tree:
 A much-desired and enthusiastically-produced thankful tree, I should say:
Those no-spill paint cups that the girls are using? I've wanted them since the girls were born, I bought them while we were away on our trip, I LOVE them, and I'm going to tell you about them tomorrow.

Some years we eat Thanksgiving dinner with family, some years we go out to eat, one year we ate one of those Stouffer's family-sized lasagnas and then went to a sci-fi convention, but this year we cooked our own Thanksgiving feast. The menu consisted of:

Made-from-Scratch Yeast Rolls
 Honey Butter
Matt's Amazing Entire Turkey
 Including One Turkey Leg for Each Child
 Miso-Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes
 And, of Course, Two Kinds of Pie

Pie #1, obviously, was pumpkin, baked with my own fresh pumpkin puree. Pie #2 was, briefly, a pumpkin-brownie pie, until Matt opened the refrigerator door with too much emphasis and Pie #2 took a suicidal nose-dive onto the filthy kitchen floor. The little sous chefs and I were very sad, until Matt surprised us with a very non-traditional pumpkin-chocolate pie combination that was so insanely delicious that I'm going to ask him to make it again for me tomorrow so that we can write down the recipe and eat pumpkin-chocolate pie FOREVER!

I Did Mention the Entire Turkey, Yes?
Matt made the entire turkey, since I do not cook meat. I am dang grateful, however, that Matty and the kids have several weeks' worth of lunch meat in the freezer, and I do believe that tomorrow my suggestion that the carcass (ugh!) be boiled into turkey stock will be followed up upon by those who are willing to perform such kitchenly duties.

It was a happy, happy day. Some memories, such as the translation of Willow's thanksgiving leaf (which reads, by the way, "I am thankful that Gracie is purrsy"--ah, invented spelling!), may eventually fade--
--but other memories, happily, will be written into Life's Little Recipe Book to keep forever:
 So it's turkey carcass and pumpkin-chocolate pie tomorrow, but tonight, I think we may order pizza.


  1. Bloomingfoods sold us a bigger turkey than we asked for again, so we have tons o' leftovers.

    I never liked pumpkin pie very much, but I think I could like Matt's pumpkin-chocolate pie, so please do share the recipe!

    I got no-spill cups for the kids when they were little too...they really are a terrific invention.

  2. The turkey is loooong gone, but I did talk Matt into making us another pumpkin-chocolate pie this weekend!
