Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prima Ballerina

Someone likes her brand-new ballet class uniform:
We had to purchase the uniform (and holy cow, that stuff is expensive!), but the "sparkly big pink tutu" that Sydney has requested? I can make that baby myself.

And maybe a matching one for me?


  1. How cute! I make costumes for the New York City Ballet, and sometimes when we have old pieces we're going to get rid of, I send a couple to my cousins (I think they're 6 and 9) who love dance. They're always so excited to have real costumes, especially since sometimes they're things that I've made. Nothing like a tutu to light up a little girl's entire week, eh?!

  2. I think that a tutu would light up anyone's entire week!

    I've made the girlies lots and lots of tied no-sew tutus, but I do have that stiff netting stuff, too, and it's my goal to make them those beautiful sewn sticky-straight-out tutus, too.

  3. Beware the stiff net can be quite scratchy on the cut ends - our male dancers frequently complain about this on new tutus, because it can really cut up their arms in partnering.

    When you get to the complex projects, holler if you would like some advice or suggestions!
