Monday, December 14, 2009

Stash Wrap

The goal? Wrap all my Christmas presents using only my stash, none of which consists of traditional wrapping materials.

Okay, my real goals are as follows:
  • Finish making all my Christmas presents, wrapped or not.
  • Have a couple of the girls' friends and their moms over for hot chocolate after school on Friday and actually be prepared with hot chocolate and pumpkin bread and a clean(ish) house.
  • Make a gingerbread house from scratch with the girls. Have this house be extremely unlike last year's failed gingerbread shack.
  • Psych myself up for Christmas week with my parents.
  • Stop eating when I'm bored.

But wrapping my Christmas presents using only stash is also a good goal, don't you think?

Katie's quilt was the easiest, requiring only a piece of twine. These gifts from the girls to their small cousins (handmade matching games, which I'll talk you about later, but trust me, they are SUPER fun), are wrapped in an envelope folded from notebook paper, with a hole punched in the top flap and a piece of ribbon threaded through and tied in a knot to close the envelope--no glue or tape required!This handmade present from the girls to one grandma is tied with some wide satin single-fold bias tape--I used to use this type of bias tape when I first started making simple quilts, before I knew how easy it was to make my own bias tape, and so I don't remember if I bought this bias tape way back then or later acquired it as a hand-me-down from someone. I tied the bow separately and hot-glued it and the gift tag on. When wrapping gifts, I am starting to heart myself some hot glue!

This is another present to another grandmother, but tied this time with a wired ribbon. I bought this ribbon on clearance post-Valentine's Day one year because I wanted to see if I liked wired ribbon--I don't:

And, of course, the ubiquitous gift wrapped in the comic section:I made a nice, big bow out of strips cut out from the comics, but I didn't use any proper bow-making method, just lots of hot glue.

Only twelve more child-free hours until Christmas! Tomorrow, especially since there's no storytime at the library, I dearly desire to complete three little superhero capes for three little superhero cousins. I also desire to finish The Liar's Club, make gingerbread dough, and buy cinnamon essential oil.

Ah, to dream...

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