Friday, June 26, 2009

Ladder Ball, and Other Wisconsin Pleasures

Frankly, most of the beaches that we saw in Wisconsin were kind of gross (even a lake as big as Lake Michigan is still a closed system, I suppose), but nevertheless our little family needed a mindless getaway after the garage sale weekend, and fortunately we made our reservations at Beachfront Inn in Bailey's Harbor, and it had a private beach that, although it was still plagued by algae, was by far the best beach we saw.

The kids, at least, had no problem in wading in water dosed with a good helping of algae at the shoreline:

Matt and I became quite good at ladder ball:Don't ever buy one of those ladder ball games, because they look highly DIY--some PVC pipe, golf balls, and rope.

Every evening the owner of the inn starts a nice big fire on the beach, feet away from the water:
She gives you all the fixings for the making----and consumption of smores:

There was even a real live dock for standing at the end of and gazing out into the fog:Add to that the whole stack of Sookie Stackhouse novels that I was burning through at the time (nine books in seven days--they're real good), and you've got yourself one happy camper:


  1. Looks like a dream vacation - the beach (algae notwithstanding), s'mores, and books you love!

  2. i'm jealous of your family vacation. you guys looked so the water/baby pictures.

    welcome home.

  3. Yeah, I somehow forgot to take pictures while the babies were having tantrums...

    Who knew you had to be seven years old to climb a lighthouse? You know my girls, so you can imagine how they reacted to learning that piece of information in public right in front of the lighthouse.
