Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Do

So now that I'm done with my big craft fair, and luckily have just enough left over to make for a good display at the final local farmer's market craft fair next month, I have vowed to make nothing else to sell until I work through at least some of a very long list of things I need to make for my own babes and big guy:

  1. Dinosaur T-shirt quilt for the girls' bed
  2. Star Wars T-shirt quilt for Matt
  3. Winter pajamas for the girls
  4. These booties: My theory is that I can resize the pattern to make winter slippers for the whole family.
  5. Huge felt board, with felt cut-outs, for the girls' playroom
  6. Curtains for the girls' playroom
  7. Dino quilted wall hanging for the bathroom of the girls' playroom
  8. At least two birthday presents for at least two special kiddos in my girlies' lives
  9. Headbands for Willow
  10. Tied tutu for Will's little girlfriend
  11. New pattern templates for my growing girls, based on my most favorite book, Short Kutz
  12. Halloween costumes
  13. Little girlie winter pants out of old sweatshirt and sweater sleeves
  14. Lasagna gardens for next year
  15. A good scrub for all the grungy house using the recipes from my other most favorite book,
  16. Kid-made Halloween decorations
  17. Mom-made Halloween decorations!
  18. Must try dryer lint modeling material!
  19. Rain barrels!
  20. Scrapbooking at least some of the backlog--there's a big backlog

And that doesn't even include all the randomness, such as this brown pillowcase sitting on my desk that is begging to be made into a pillowcase dress for Sydney even though she doesn't need another pillowcase dress, and if I make a pillowcase dress for her, I might as well make one out of this black-and-white pillowcase for Willow, but I could then use the leftover material to make matching headbands, and that counts for my list...

In other news...I didn't have a chance to ask Willow to talk about this art that she created this morning, because she worked on these two pictures literally from the moment she got up and grabbed an adult (one of whom only wanted coffee, the other of whom only wanted a shower) to get her "markers and beautiful paper" to the time that I told her, "Listen, get some pants on or we are going to miss the bus to the library!"

Any interpretive thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I am really curious about what she was writing and illustrating in that first picture...so you need to find out and let us know.

    Was she writing her name? Or trying to write "world"? Is that a lion? Or a dinosaur? I was wondering if this had to do with something she did in St. Louis.

    One of my favorite things about teaching k/1 was talking with the kids about their drawings and writing - i would love when they would point out the words they were attempting to spell and all of the important details in their illustrations. very cool.
