Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well, At Least It's Over Now

At least I can say that I've done it now: I've sold at a craft show in the rain. A deluge, really. I mentioned before, right, that I don't have a tent? My usual practice in case of rain is to buy one of the crap E-Z Up lite tents from Sam's the night before the big event and then return it afterwards on account of it sucks, but it's never actually come out and rained before when I've gone to all that trouble, so I won't tell you whose husband talked her out of doing the same thing yesterday even though there was a 40% chance of rain today, but I will tell you that that husband sucked, because it totally rained. A lot.

I thought I had it made, anyway, because I got the show organizer to let me set up next to my usual spot, in a spot always left empty because it contains a big tree. So I set up under the big tree, and thought that if I kept everything inside the drip line, I'd be so happy and dry. Inside the drip line, people. That sounds like a good plan, right? And at first, when it was just sprinkling, it totally worked. And then, when it was raining a little harder, it kind of worked. But then, when it was pouring and thundering and lightening right over my head and I'm soaked to the skin and the stand holding the pillowcase dresses falls over and the plate holding the cut-out buttons is full of water to the brim, it really didn't work all that well at all.

Really, not much of my stuff got wet because it rained mostly during set-up, but my infrastructure got soaked, which made everything damp anyway, and I got soaked, which made me grumpy, and I couldn't make my set-up look anything like it wasn't all bedraggled and sad after a thunderstorm, and then hardly anybody even came out to the farmer's market, anyway, on account of it was still all gross and humid and probably going to rain again. But now I can say that I've sold at a craft fair in the rain. That makes up for not actually breaking even, right?

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