Friday, July 11, 2008

Pretty Pretty Pictures Running in the Rain

So we're all bustling around here at 8:00 pm, because Matt wants to go to, of all places, the drive-in on the night before I have to get up at 6:00 am for the farmer's market craft fair. And I'm bustling and bustling, and then suddenly I realize, "Hey, all my craft fair stuff is ready to go. I'm going to sit down while Matt cleans out the car and puts laundry on the line and whatever." So here I am. You're pretty happy for me, aren't you?

I've been working on a photo album to have out at craft fairs, recycling an old 8x10 portfolio book from Matt's job-hunting days, but unfortunately it will not be on debut at the craft fair tomorrow because the printer crapped out on me this morning and I spent over five hours fiddling with it off and on, reinstalling the software, reinstalling the print driver, uninstalling the last Microsoft updates (Vista sucks, you should know) before I called Matt at work and he's all, "Oh, the printer did that to me the other night. Unplug it and plug it back in." Good as new.
Here's what I got to, anyway:

I think they're turning out pretty sweet.

I also made up some new and sturdy craft fair signs this week--you might remember that craft fair signs are usually the bane of my existence, mostly because I don't make them sturdy enough and they get trashed during (literal) tear-down. So this time I printed them on overhead transparencies, backed them with thick natural-color matte board, and covered both sides with contact paper. They show well in natural light, although not indoors, and they won't be ruined if it rains tomorrow, which there is a 40% chance of at noon. The craft fair is over at 1:00 pm. I do not own a tent because they are expensive. Will luck be on my side? Only time will tell...

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