Thursday, February 22, 2024

Kid-Free in New York City: Day 1

Back in late 2021, the whole family took a super quick trip to New York City right before Christmas. I was feeling my post-pandemic oats and I could not wait another minute to finally see Hadestown on Broadway!

In retrospect, I really should have waited another three or four months, because our trip coincided with a COVID surge in New York City and a lot of the stuff that we'd wanted to do got canceled--including Hadestown, sob. 

Over the next couple of years, I often thought about trying to schedule another quick trip to see the show, but I just never did it. And then for Christmas last year, my partner did it for me!

So just a few weeks after dropping our older kid back at college for the semester, my partner and I left our younger kid home alone to chug along with her school and ballet and take care of the pets, and he and I flew to New York City, just the two of us, for a two-day adventure.

Here's me trying to figure out how to get from Newark to our hotel:

But here's what I consider my REAL first thing in New York City:

My egg, cheese, and pastrami breakfast sandwich is on the poppyseediest poppyseed bagel I have ever seen!

Fun fact: my partner ordered bagels from bagel shops twice during our two-day trip. Neither time did he check the bag. BOTH times he got shorted by one bagel!

New York City has some hard lessons to teach...

We stayed at 3 West Club and were quite comfortable there, with nearly everything that we wanted to do within walking distance. There was kind of some weird decor, though, and when I Googled to figure out what on earth... yeah, the place is apparently run by the Women's National Republican Club, oops. Guess that explains all the Teddy Roosevelt paintings and elephant statuary!

Anyway, we were really only there to sleep. The rest of the time, we were out here!

My partner thought the Museum of Illusions looked interesting, so we did that first. 

It WAS very interesting, but maybe not $23 a person interesting... or that may just be my New York City sticker shock in general? 

Regardless, it was fun to see all the cool visual effects and take photos of ourselves looking like one of us is really tiny while the other is really short or like we're hanging from the ceiling or standing at an impossible angle, etc. 

Someone who actually knows how to work their camera phone would have done better, because I was fighting for my life trying to figure out how to take selfie videos or use the self-timer or not have fourteen chins.

I think this illusion is the coolest, but my teenager says she can't see it! Can YOU see the dots undulating in a wave-like motion?

If I ever go back, it will be well-researched and with a shot list in hand!

I'd wanted to do Chelsea Market and the High Line the last time we were in New York City but the weather never seemed right for it. This time, though, the weather was wonderful, AND we were just a few blocks away!

I had to looky-loo at every single food stall and menu board, but all we actually bought to eat were these delicious mini doughnuts:

Then, to the High Line!

While we were on the High Line we saw Little Island and decided that what we ACTUALLY wanted to do was go there.

So we did!

There are some really lovely vistas of Lower Manhattan and the Hudson River from the upper levels, including a tiny Statue of Liberty super far away. 

For most of the afternoon, we just wandered--

--detoured back to Chelsea Market for a proper lunch--

--wandered some more--

--and then got completely lost in Penn Station. Fortunately as we were wandering determinedly in what turned out to be the absolutely wrong direction, I saw two people in Rangers jerseys walking the way we'd just come from. So obviously we let them go by, did an about face, and followed them straight to Madison Square Garden.

How is this for happy coincidences? Before we scanned our tickets, I spent ages in the gift shop mooning over the New York Rangers knit hats. I really wanted this one, but I would have taken any of them, but mostly I didn't want to pay what they were charging for anything so I left empty-handed. 

New. York. City. PRICES!!!

So imagine my hysterical excitement (or do not, because it was A Lot) when we finally scanned our tickets, and just on the other side was a guy handing out free New York Rangers knit hats!

It's itchy as hell and I do not care. I love it!

You know you've got great seats when you take every escalator that exists, then finally emerge into the arena, show the usher your seat number, and he points up and says, "Last row." Lol! Who doesn't love a bird's-eye view!

Somewhere around here in between plays the DJ played "Suffragette City" so I texted my teenager a video--David Bowie is her favorite!

The Rangers weren't playing very aggressively that night--in fact, they spent most of the game just sort of skating leisurely around the rink, handing the puck over to Calgary whenever they got tired of passing it back and forth--but Calgary seemed fine with it enough to let them score twice, so we got to watch the Rangers win in their home arena!

Afterwards, I wasn't up for the bar hopping or clubbing or M&M store shopping or whatever on earth the other billion people out in the streets were doing at 10:30 pm, but happily our walk home led us through Times Square, so we got to sneak in a little more sightseeing:

Then it was back to our Republican stronghold for pizza and Princess Bride on cable.

Tomorrow: HADESTOWN!!!!!!!

P.S. Want to follow along with my craft projects, books I'm reading, road trips to weird old cemeteries, looming mid-life crisis, and other various adventures on the daily? Find me on my Craft Knife Facebook page!

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