Monday, May 29, 2023

Every Council's Own Girl Scout Fun Patch Program That Your Girl Scouts Can Earn from Anywhere: Social-Emotional Skills


Welcome back to my very weird series in which I am listing, week by week, topic by topic, every single Council's Own Girl Scout fun patch program that your Girl Scouts can earn from everywhere!

My Girl Scout troop enjoys earning Council's Own fun patches, as well as official badges and retired badges. I usually look for a fun patch that they can earn in addition to a badge whenever we're planning a big project or a trip, etc. This list is essentially just my own research written down for easy reference.

This week's category: Social-Emotional Skills! This includes fun patch programs that teach character-building and growth mindset, as well as qualities like leadership, independence, gratitude, and positive self-esteem. Many of the fun patch programs are specifically keyed to Girl Scout traits like sisterhood, the Girl Scout Law, and making the world a better place, so most could pair well with the Girl Scout Way badges.

For this list, I only included fun patch programs that fit the following criteria:

  1. Girl Scouts can earn this fun patch wherever they are. I did not include any fun patch programs that have site-specific criteria, unless I felt that those criteria would be easy to substitute and still maintain the point of the fun patch program. I also didn't include fun patch programs that require time-specific criteria that have already passed, such as patches programs designed for the 2020 COVID lockdowns. I noted in the description of each patch when substitutions would be required.
  2. Girl Scouts can obtain the council's requirements to earn this fun patch. I found several instances in which the council still sells a specific fun patch, but has deleted all the requirements from its website. If I couldn't find an easy link to those requirements from another site, I did not include the patch.
  3. Girl Scouts can obtain the physical fun patch. There were also several instances in which councils still host the requirements for a fun patch program, but no longer sell the patch (or, as in the case of a few GSAK patches, they have fewer than ten remaining). If it is unlikely for a Girl Scout to be able to obtain the fun patch, I did not include it. The link to purchase each fun patch is in the caption for its graphic.


Attitude of Gratitude GSTF

Attitude of Gratitude, Girl Scouts of Tropical FloridaLearn about gratitude and show appreciation for Girl Scout volunteers. 

Be a Better Sister GSHNJ

Be a Better Sister, Girl Scouts Heart of New JerseyExplore topics of diversity and discrimination. 

BOW, Girl Scouts of Greater IowaCelebrate and demonstrate inner and outer strength. 
Character GSAK

Character, Girl Scouts of AlaskaComplete these activities that help you become more comfortable trying new things. 

Character Patch Set GSAK

Character patch set, Girl Scouts of AlaskaTo work on building character throughout the entire Girl Scout year, earn this complete patch set. 
Civic Leadership Challenge GSOSW

Civic Leadership Challenge, Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest WashingtonIdentify the ways that you already show leadership in your community, and learn more about civic leadership opportunities. This fun patch program pairs well with many Journeys.

Climb Your Mountain GSAK

Climb Your Mountain, Girl Scouts of AlaskaSpend the summer completing activities that lead to social/emotional growth. This fun patch program is a good one for Girl Scouts to complete independently over the summer, especially if the troop doesn't meet.
Girl Scout Pillars GSAK

Girl Scout Pillars, Girl Scouts of AlaskaGrow your independence and leadership skills through girl-led Girl Scout activities. This is a good fun patch program to encourage a Girl Scout troop to become more girl-led and proactive in thinking up and planning activities.
H-E-B Health and Wellness GSCTX

H-E-B Health and Wellness, Girl Scouts of Central TexasComplete activities that support physical and emotional health. Most of the activities are simple and low-prep enough that you could use them as time fillers if a troop meeting runs short, then you could just set aside some time to prep and complete the last couple of activities. This fun patch pairs well with the Senior Women's Health badge.

#hitpause USAGO

#hitpause, USA Girl Scouts OverseasTake time away from screens to practice mindfulness and explore more non-screen activities.

K.A.R.M.A., Girl Scouts of Southern AlabamaPractice bullying prevention and build positive self-esteem. 

Leadership GSAK

Leadership, Girl Scouts of AlaskaComplete activities that build leadership skills. This is a good fun patch for younger Girl Scouts to earn while prepping for their first Journey or other large-scale girl-led project.

Life Skills Leader GSC

Life Skills Leader, Girl Scouts of CitrusComplete activities from a checklist to practice different life skills. This is a great fun patch program for Girl Scouts to complete independently.

Live the Girl Scout Law GSNorCal

Live the Girl Scout Law, Girl Scouts of Northern CaliforniaCheck off the activities that you complete as you live the Girl Scout Law. This fun patch program pairs well with the Girl Scout Way badges. Since the program is a checklist of numerous activities, it would work well incorporated as a time-filler into meetings, or for Girl Scouts to complete independently.

Mental Health Awareness GSNMT

Mental Health Awareness, Girl Scouts of New Mexico TrailsLearn about mental health, and how to support good mental health for yourself and others.

A Mindful Girl GSGWM

A Mindful Girl, Girl Scouts of the Green and White MountainsPractice mindfulness and protect yourself from harmful media representations.
Overcoming Challenges GSAK

Overcoming Challenges, Girl Scouts of AlaskaComplete activities to build a growth mindset. This would be a good fun patch program to work on throughout the Girl Scout year to continue to build growth mindset in a troop.

Paris Peace Patch USAGSO

Paris Peace Patch, USA Girl Scouts OverseasLearn about peace and hold a Peace Ceremony. 
Pillar Power GSOFSI

Pillar Power, Girl Scouts of Southern IllinoisIncorporate the four pillars of Girl Scouts into your daily life by completing activities from the checklist. This is a good fun patch program for Girl Scouts to earn independently throughout the Girl Scout year.

Resilient. Ready. Strong., Girl Scouts of Central TexasComplete activities related to emotional wellbeing and mental resilience. This fun patch program pairs well with the Journeys that have a wellness theme, like MEdia, Breathe, etc. It would make a good fun patch for Girl Scouts to work on independently, perhaps over the summer, with regular check-ins or a culminating troop activity.

Superpower Squad GSGI

Superpower Squad, Girl Scouts of Greater IowaTrain to be a superhero who uses her powers to make the world a better place. 

A Susie Forest GSEWNI

A Susie Forest, Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern IdahoGrow your courage, build your literacy, and take action for the environment.
Talk it Out GSNCCP

Talk it Out, Girl Scouts of North Carolina Coastal PinesDesigned to get kids thinking about underaged alcohol consumption, and why they shouldn't participate. There's a website with supporting resources. I think this would combine well with one of the First Aid or Health badges, and you could support it locally with a visit from a first responder. 
Turn Beauty Inside Out GSMWLP

Turn Beauty Inside Out, Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and PinesCelebrate the beauty in yourself and find the beauty in others with this fun patch program.

Unwind Your Mind GSSS

Unwind Your Mind, Girl Scouts of Silver SagePractice relaxation and stress reduction through these fun patch activities. This fun patch program pairs well with the Cadette Breathe Journey. I would be a good patch program for Girl Scouts to earn partly independently and partly as a troop.

Here's a look at my complete fun patch series:

Follow my Craft Knife Facebook page for more Girl Scout resources as I exhaustively compile them!

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