Monday, November 8, 2021

Pumpkin+Bear Shop Update: So Many Candles!

The kids and I have apparently been making candles for a decade, which...

Time has been flying in a horrifying way, lately.

Candlemaking is not only something that I can do quite well now (not surprising, since I've apparently got a decade of experience at it!), but something that I've been finding very meditative and comforting lately. I took advantage of my mental renaissance to finally photograph and list in my Pumpkin+Bear shop the many different styles and sizes of candles that I've been making for the past ten years but just never got around to actually selling for money.

Ahh, it feels so good to stop procrastinating!

I now offer just about every size and style of beeswax candle that a person could possibly long for.

Here's a traditional pillar candle, eight inches tall and 1.25" in diameter:

And here's a tapered version in that same size. It's the same 1.25" at the base, but tapers to just .25" at the tip:

And here's my absolute favorite style of that taper candle--it's STRIPEY!!!

I also now sell a miniature version of that stripey taper. It's still 1.25" at the base, but it's only four inches tall:

I also make striped pillars! These have a regular pillar candle at the core, and I cover them with strips of different colors of beeswax.

I also finally offer a third size of my rainbow taper candles. This one, too, is only 4" tall:

And because I already have the holidays on my mind, I made a 4" Christmas tree taper!

I still offer all my old favorites, the Waldorf ring candles and the birthday candles:

But the whole family is just a LOT bigger now!

Shh, don't tell, but that family portrait, above, does show a favorite candle of mine that I still don't sell!

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