Tuesday, July 21, 2020

She Sewed Herself a Wrap Skirt

Does everyone, at some early-ish point in their sewing journey, sew themselves a wrap skirt?

Apparently, I sewed one for myself almost exactly eleven years ago today, at approximately five years into my own sewing journey.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Syd, as well, is approximately five years into her sewing journey, and therefore it was obviously time for her to decide to sew herself a wrap skirt.

This wrap skirt was actually a terrific early pandemic sewing project! For one, my sewing machine was still functioning well (currently, my back-up sewing machine is in the shop, after it was determined that my go-to sewing machine was beyond repair. Fingers crossed that I'll be sewing again someday soon, because I'm really missing it!). 

For another, Syd choose this Lila+June pattern that's not only free, but also a downloadable pdf that was easy to print at home:

It was even early enough in the pandemic that although our local fabric stores were closed, our favorite online fabric store hadn't even worked up enough business to cause shipping delays and/or stock sell-outs yet! At the moment, this jet black Premium Kona cotton fabric is sold out, which makes sense because before my sewing machine(s) broke, I was happily sewing mask after mask out of Syd's leftovers.

Here's Syd adding the waistband to her skirt, just about the time that I started eyeing that fabric and mentally configuring how I could DIY face masks for the family from it:

And here's Syd trying to decide if she likes the length. She was originally imagining something shorter, but eventually decided that she liked the length as it was:

Time to hem it, then!

Farewell, sweet Singer! I'm not going to buy your brand again, at least not in the same price point! Your insides are made of cheap plastic that doesn't last, and replacement parts aren't sold for you!

You'll be happy to know that Syd's skirt fits perfectly, is a pleasing length, and, most importantly...

It's twirly!!! 

Alas, there's been no place to actually wear it, since we're still mostly pajama-clad these days (it's 10:30 am right now, and the seamstress in question is wearing her bee onesie. I'm MUCH more professionally dressed in a super-old T-shirt and Matt's Hufflepuff jammy pants). But one day--hopefully within the next two months!--Syd will once again walk into an in-person ballet class, and won't that wrap skirt be quite the most efficiently lovely thing to wear over her leotard?

Eleven Years Ago: Make My Felt Menagerie
Twelve Years Ago: Grandpa Bangle's Toolbox

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