Monday, March 5, 2018

Hand-Dyed Wooden Beads and Blocks in Pumpkin+Bear

"Aww, look!" I thought. "The chicken wants to seee what I'm doing out on the deck on this gorgeous afternoon!"

"Isn't she pretty?"

"HEY!!! Those are not berries!"

So there you go. My hand-dyed wooden beands and blocks are so pretty that chickens think they're berries.

I can't even tell you when I dyed these--a couple of years ago, perhaps?

We were doing several projects that involved hand-stained wood, and I was working out just the perfect technique to share over at Crafting a Green World.

While working out the technique to my satisfaction, I made waaaaaay more dyed wood pieces than we needed for the projects.

Apparently, I just squirreled the surplus away in my stash, because I am actually a hoarder.

I rediscovered them the other day while I was cleaning and decided I might as well peep into that plastic drawer in the closet--I'm still finding containers that I haven't unpacked after our move (which was four years ago now, for those of you playing the home game), so perhaps that drawer could contain my wedding ring, or my folk music anthology!

It didn't.

What it did have, however, were projects that I'd meant to list/relist in my Pumpkin+Bear shop. Some were projects that I used to have listed but wanted to rephotograph or rework in some way, and some where projects that I wanted to list in Pumpkin+Bear, but I'm guessing the light was poor on the day that I wanted to photograph them, or I got busy, and set them aside, consequently forgetting all about them.

Of course.

Fortunately, last week we had our first sunny, above freezing days in FOREVER, and there was nothing I wanted to do more than spend the afternoon out on the deck photographing stuff.

These cubes are 1/2" across, nice and light and brightly-colored now.

These beads are 3/4" diameter, with a 3/8" hole.

The kids actually use our stash of undyed wooden cubes as a sensory material. I pour them out onto a tray that sits on our homeschool table, and off and on all week I'll notice a kid fiddling with them as she thinks or reads. They're stackable, arrangeable, and they just feel good in your hands.

Syd really wants to turn some of these beads into Camp Halfblood beads, so that's a project we'll be taking on before too long.

I've used these stained beads to make magnetic mosaic tiles for our giant metal memo board. I'll probably use some of these to make more, and I'm tempted to upcycle a metal tin from somewhere and make a travel-sized version.

Of course, if you bought these from me, I'm sure I'd find something else to happily hoard and/or occupy my time with...

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