Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Taste of Our Town

Every town has its random little festivals and events and weird things that make it unique. My hometown, for instance, doesn't have an Independence Day parade but a Memorial Day parade, and it begins with a genuine Wild West-style shoot-out right on Garrison Ave.

Our town has an Independence Day parade, and an event where people eat soup, and a bicycle race modeled on the Indianapolis 500, and an entire month of chocolate-themed activities, and this particular event that we all went to a few weeks ago, in which a bunch of our local restaurants and food trucks gather at City Hall so that we can eat something from all of them at the same time.

People in our town like to eat.

We fit right in here:
Our deal is that anyone can choose anything that catches their eye, but everyone shares it. That doesn't so much seem to stop Will throwing some shade at Matt while he takes a big bite of her lime gelato, however.

The kids shared the mint truffle on the left, and Matt and I shared the bourbon one on the right. Nom!

Sooo... this is my favorite thing. And yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, it IS a grilled cheese sandwich made with macaroni and cheese inside. It's the specialty of a food truck that only makes grilled cheese sandwiches, and it's my secret boyfriend. Don't judge me.
Garlic cheese fries! The expression on Will's face is there because we're listening to a polka band, and I'm getting super into it. It turns out that there are worse things than having your mother breathing in public right next to you--she could be dancing. And singing along. To a POLKA BAND.
Smoothies! Our Will is a child of unabashed appetites, a girl who isn't afraid to let everyone know how much she deeply adores food, and she was in her own personal heaven at having an entire smorgasbord of every type of cuisine ever created to choose from.
And yes, after the smoothie, we did share a gyro.
There was also a taco in there somewhere, and raspberry ice pops, and some kind of kebab. It's a wonder nobody puked in the bounce house.

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