Sunday, May 22, 2016

Yet Another Day at the Children's Museum

I know that by now you must be bored of me posting about our visits to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis--oh, gee, another photo of the water clock! Hey, there they are goofing around in Dinosphere again!

Well, if you think that, then I fooled you, because I did NOT take a photo of the water clock this time! Instead, here we are goofing around in Dinosphere!
We were playing a game entitled Carry On a Casual Conversation While Gesturing with a T-Rex Tooth. It's a super fun game!
Our Leonardo, the Mummified Dinosaur is famous. Remember we even got asked about him after we played Stump the Docent at the Field Museum?

They're pretending to be T-rexes. I mean, obviously.
We have a lot of favorites in the permanent collection--here is where I *should* be showing you a photo of the water clock!--
Seriously, how many hundred times has this one compared her hand, ever growing, but still ever too small, to this polar bear print?
 --but we always check in with the traveling exhibits, too:
I have long complained about the museum's penchant for booking branded exhibits, but I have to admit that this Hot Wheels exhibit did include a lot of good information about how cars work.
We are doing our best Despotic Monarch faces in the Pirates and Princesses exhibit.
I think my face is really good!
 I think that everyone's favorite exhibit, however, is the Wonders of the World playground just outside the museum:
It's not a playground of THE Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, because that's just focused on the Mediterranean area, did you know? Leaves out loads of glorious stuff.
Like the Taj Mahal!
And the Great Wall of China!
Not even the Sphinx is on that list, because it hadn't been rediscovered at the time.

Part of the reason why we were there was to formalize our volunteer plans, so when July comes around, alas, you'll be seeing even more of the Children's Museum from us, as we devote a couple of Friday afternoons a month to cleaning and preparing fossils down in the Paleo Lab.

I have mentioned before that we're the coolest, right?!?

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