Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Some Decoupaged Blocks for Christmas

I had so much fun making this decoupaged building block tutorial for Crafting a Green World--

--that I made way more than a single human family actually needs. I keep telling myself that I'm attempting to avoid being a hoarder, so into my pumpkin+bear etsy shop my beautiful building blocks must go!

I separated them into sets of three--one red, one green, and one of vintage sheet music. I thought that this seemed suitably festive!

I LOVE that my kiddos help me with my work. Will set up nearly every single display for this photo shoot:

And no, taking too many photos is NOT considered hoarding... I think?


  1. Those are super cute! I keep thinking about getting the kiddo some blocks, but I just haven't gotten around to it. She'd much rather we buy her more model horses...

    It's only hoarding with photos when you run out of storage for them :0)

  2. That. Philosophy. Is. BRILLIANT!

    the woman with the 3TB hard drive

  3. HA! And given all the hard-to-fathom cloud storage that businesses are giving away for free...

    I was just thinking this morning that I need to go through the one box of physical photos I still have and either scan them, throw them in a photo album, or just toss them. That would mean one less box to move that we never open.
