Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Latest: Rain, Bones, Feathers, Candy, the Ocean, Density, and Aluminum

June has been bustling--as usual! I've been creating lots of etsy orders, as well as working on house and garden (poison ivy is EVERYWHERE, and I've discovered that we have tons of black raspberries hidden behind tons of multiflora rose and honeysuckle!). Homeschool continues throughout the summer, as does Girl Scouts, and therefore so do lesson plans. We snuck away on a short weekend trip to Arkansas, and also, we have chickens!!!

In the midst of all that typical chaos, here's what I've been working on for Crafting a Green World:

a definite Pinterest fail

Coming up, I've got some books to review, a chalkboard project to tell you about, some nature crafts to try as soon as I stock up on colorful yarn, and I'm thinking of learning how to make video tutorials. The kids and I are exploring earthquakes, so I'm planning the construction of a shake table, and we're finishing up our study of Georgia O'Keeffe, so I'm setting up a still life for us to paint today, and I desperately need to label and pack all the things for the kids' next week at sleepaway camp!

But right now it's raining, so I'm going to go make myself a cup of coffee and an egg sandwich instead of weeding the strawberries. Yay!

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