Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Snow Days

All winter, the kids waited and waited and waited for that One Big Snow.

The sledding snow.

The snowman snow.

The icicles and snow angels and snow fort snow.

It was bitterly cold all winter, but dry. Every day I shoved the kids outside to play in that cold, brown, dead world, and they were sick of it. They wanted snow!

Thank goodness, then, for February! The Monday after Valentine's Day, we got our first big snow of the winter:
A business trip for Matt coincided with our second car being in the shop, so the kids and I had our own version of Homeschool Snow Days. We cancelled all our outside activities and just enjoyed this first snowfall.
We discovered, after this first snowfall, that the drive-in next door is a wonderful place to romp in the snow!
We're following "Mystery Footprints" (Don't tell her, but it's a cat).
And then we got another one:
Snow on top of snow means that you can make snowmen!

And then we got another one!
The kids call this power line cut behind our property "The Meadow," because in the summer the grass grew up taller than their heads.
There's a surprise waiting for Matt when he gets to the top of the hill!
The children know better than to give such surprises to Momma. Even so, this looks like a close one...
As far as snow goes, even though we had to wait the whole winter for it, this was about the best possible scenario: we had several huge snowfalls to pile it on, the kids got to play and play and play, and then about three weeks later, just when they were starting to get tired of it and it's starting to look all grungy and dirty, the temperature shot up to the upper 40s and it's gone.

And now it's spring!


  1. So excited for Spring!

    I love the winter shots. I think my favorite is the tree with the tire swing :0)

    Emma made a mini Olaf this winter, and played a bunch in the snow as well. So glad it's gone though and that we are in the upper 50's low 60's this week.

  2. This is the first year that the kids were really into making stuff with the snow, I think because we have so much room on our property now to build snow forts and sledding courses and snowmen.
