Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Latest: Bookmarks and Pot Holders

The kids and I also made a bunch more bookmarks that follow my comic book bookmark tutorial, but instead use printable bookmark images that I found online. For myself, I made a Sherlock bookmark, a Doctor Who one that I colored with our Prismacolor markers--
I may be still working on my art skills, but Drawing with Children has definitely improved my coloring ability!
--and these two Supernatural bookmarks (I lost the Dean one, which was my favorite, at the theater during the long Trashion/Refashion Show day--boo!). I also wanted to make a Hunger Games bookmark, but finally I was like, "Dude, you have GOT to stop making bookmarks! There are other things to do with your life!"

Syd made this one, because the kids looooooooove Garfield:

They also love the Avengers, so I think we're going to make some of these popsicle stick Avengers bookmarks for them, too (well, I'll probably keep Iron Man for myself, but they can have the others). 

And then if we're already making bookmarks, I might as well go ahead and replace my lost Dean one, and make a Hunger Games one while I'm at it.

And if I'm making more bookmarks anyway, maybe I'll do just a couple more Doctor Who ones...


  1. I love bookmarks. My mil gave me a big stack of paint sample thingies like an interior decorator would carry around. We liked to doodle on them and glue them to things so that our bookmarks were fun on both sides.

    I love the colored Dr. Who bookmark. I think bookmarks might be an easy craft for me to do on my next school break. Love the ideas!

  2. Ooh, I love it when I have an excuse to collect paint samples! The walls in our house were just painted white, so we're definitely not going to repaint in cute colors until they're starting to show real wear, butbutBUT I'm definitely going to paint some of the thrifted furniture that we're moving over. I'll need paint samples!

  3. Well, I know what I can send in the next box of goodies that heads your way! I so many left and the poor things are just neglected right now.

    I am going to live vicariously through you for the next little while as you get all moved and settled. I so want to buy a house with some land, but it won't be happening for a few years yet.

    Although, on the drive to AZ, I did slightly fall in love with a certain area and we might have to spend a few of my vacations days researching (on-line). It's never too early for that kind of planning... And who knows, if we are able to find the perfect piece of land it might be worth it to buy it sooner rather than later.
