Sunday, October 20, 2013

Work Plans for the Week of October 21


There aren't any!!! It occurs to me that we haven't had a week completely off of school since our wonderful vacation back in June (We miss you, Mac!), so I am taking that week right now. The weather, though brisk, should be nice, so I'm anticipating a lot of outdoor play, a lot of time hanging out with the chickens, daily visits to the park, and maybe another mountain biking excursion like the one that we just tried out--and survived!--today.

We've got our volunteer gig at the food bank, horseback riding lessons, aerial silks class, a playdate, another Friday Zone taping for Will (Good LORD, not Syd!), a park day with our homeschool group, the first ice skating class of the season, a science department open house over at the university, and a workshop with a Girl Scout LEGO League that sounds *quite* intriguing.

As for me, I might actually get a chance to update my etsy shop for the holidays (autumn and Christmas candles, yes?), burn some home videos and school videos, finish compiling the girls' animal biology portfolios, clean out the basement, and plan a Harry Potter book club.

And maybe tempt the girls with some tasty little paint sets and science kits and craft supplies and broken appliances and unfinished wooden beads and interesting library books that I've been sitting on, hmmm?


  1. That sounds like a very fun week! I started classes back up today and already I feel overwhelmed. I have a feeling this week will be even lighter as far as Emma's school work goes.

    I really think I need to get her dad in on the homeschool action more.

  2. Ooh, definitely get the dad in on the action! Matt doesn't integrate as well if I ask him to pick up work that we're already doing--he's not the one doing it day to day like we are, so it makes sense--but he's freaking amazing if I give him a project goal and ask him to be the one to do it with a kid. He did Will's Biography Fair project with her this year, and her Science Fair project last year, and I *think* he'll be doing some baking with the girls this week for sneaky math, and will help Will work on her DIY pinball game.
