Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kentucky Horse Park, Summer 2013

There's a LOT to be said about a week of school vacation! I was actually kind of bummed about it the first day, when my rotten little monsters basically just watched videos all day (the weather has NOT been as nice as I'd hoped, sigh...), but ipad issues aside, I am getting a ton of work done while the kids... rest their brains, is what I'm going to call it.

And that's how I'm *finally* getting around to editing the photos that I took during our family visit to the Kentucky Horse Park back in June, yikes!
Horses of the World show

SO much petting!
Horse evolution in the kids' barn!
Kiddo jump course

Hall of Champions show, featuring retired winning racehorses
You gotta double-fence the fields to keep the stallions from killing each other.
Sydney and I LOVE doing dorky statue mimicry.
Love. IT!
Sometimes random horses and riders in costume just go riding by.
This was a VERY patient pony.
a very, VERY patient pony

The park's museum is EXCELLENT, with, again, an extensive section on horse evolution--right in our sweet spot!

Of course, now that our free week is halfway through, the girls are (somewhat) over their Netflix Instant frenzy, and there's the imaginative play that I'd hoped they'd spend the day with, the fort building, the playing with chickens, the baking of delicious foods, and the heady anticipation of Halloween. We've had playdates and swimming dates, the invention of cinnamon/butter/salt popcorn, some time at the office with Matt, and ice skating to look forward to after they clean out the chicken coop later this morning. During all of this, I deep-cleaned the house, finished a set of chair covers for our janky old living room table chairs, planned a Harry Potter book club for Syd and some of her friends, finished the chore for pay magnets that I've been wanting for, like, a year now, and now that I've gotten these Kentucky Horse Park photos edited, well, I might as well plan the rest of the Kentucky unit for our 50 States Project!


  1. Emma loved the horse photos and the statue mimicry. She now requests more statue mimicry photos.

    I would love to hear about the Harry Potter book club and how you set it up. I've been thinking of setting up a horse crazy book club, but seeing as I have never participated in a book club, I have no idea how they work.

  2. I'm kind of nervous about my Harry Potter book club! I want it to be academically valuable but also fun for the kids, and also inexpensive and conducted in a way that doesn't trash my house. So far, I'm thinking of having the club cover one book per monthly meeting, with a creative writing assignment completed in advance, some discussion questions, a craft, and a game of Quidditch for each meeting. But I want to start next month, so I'm also not sure that a bunch of kids are going to want to play Quidditch in the middle of winter.

  3. Maybe I'll just wait to see how yours goes before I make any plans :0)
