Monday, September 9, 2013

The Recent Lack of Posts is Due to...


It had to be done. The bathroom sink was duct taped to the wall, duct tape also covered the many broken and missing tiles behind the bathtub, the floor was just sad, and as I write, our contractor is cutting out and replacing most of those boards in the lower half of the bathroom, since they're apparently waterlogged and rotted, sigh.

See that spot in the middle, though? We're going to put a window back in that spot where a window clearly originally was. I'm pretty excited, because I like a bathroom with a window, and I like anything that gets a little more natural light into our dungeon-esque home. 

In the meantime, the girls and I have been doing library school, park school, Barnes & Noble school, and school basically anywhere that we can't hear hammering and thudding and rotten boards being ripped away from their foundation. It's actually working out well, though--we're focusing on pencil-and-paper work, which is easily transported, and so the girls have been really concentrating on learning cursive, using printed lessons from my StartWrite program, and catching up to grade level on the odd neglected math subject, using print-outs from my pdf copies of Math Mammoth. I'm using the chapter reviews as pre-tests, which allows me to assign just the necessary chapters, and so we've been having an interesting time with geometric solids, areas of rectangles, types of triangles, and polygons. 

I've got some fun hands-on enrichment activities for these subjects, though, which normally I would be interspersing with the pencil-and-paper work, but that will have to wait until we're doing school back at home, back at our big table, back with endless shelves of school supplies and art materials and reference works.

I mean, this bathroom will be done sometime soon.



  1. Boo for the noise and distraction, Yeah for a new bathroom!

    We just signed a lease for a house, we will be all moved in by the end of the month. In the mean time, all of the carpet is being replaced, as well as the entire bathroom (thanks to mold). Pretty excited to be getting a "brand new" house!

    Although I am so ready for the pack and moving to be done.

    As for our schooling, it's been tossed out the window till this crazy month is over.

  2. Yay for a whole new house! Do you have to be really careful about not chipping the paint or not hammering stuff into the walls? I don't think I could rent and ever stand a chance of getting my security deposit back--we are HARD on our house!

  3. We are pretty hard on our walls as well. I like to use the screw in anchors if I am hanging anything heavier than a picture frame, so we end up with some pretty big holes.

    I'm thinking we should be o.k seeing as we offered to clean, patch holes, and paint in order to skip having to pay the security deposit. We'll just repeat the process when we are ready to move out.

    And I am SO doing picture shelves in this place so I can shuffle and rearrange my photos without making more work for myself.
