Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Latest over at Crafting a Green World: Mason Jars!

and a review of Mason Jar Crafts, including this Mason jar lid photo frame

I've got it on my to-do list to make multiples of both of these items this week--the felted wool Mason jar cozies to put aside as Christmas gifts, and the Mason jar lid photo frames to put up in multiples on one wall in the hallway. 

And, quite unusually for me, I may actually get these projects done! I have been QUITE productive this week, sponsored in part by both children's absence at day camp every afternoon. The camp ran through the start date of our local public school system, which meant that we couldn't have our "Not the First Day of School" party this year (doughnuts and a movie), but since the girls happened to be outside skateboarding and biking in the street as the school bus drove by, I consider it a first day of school success, regardless.


  1. I wish I was being more productive. I have one week (of three) left of my summer break from on-line classes and I feel like I haven't gotten anything done.
    Although the dehydrator hasn't stopped running since we borrowed it about a week ago.

  2. I'd love to hear more about what classes you're going to take. I've recently-ish started taking MIT OpenCourse classes in some areas that I've been studying with the girls--biology, etc.--and I am having a blast. Who knew cell function was so interesting?!?

  3. Your classes sound way more interesting. I am working on a marketing management degree. I am taking classes for 3 reasons.
    1. I always wanted to get a degree
    2. I qualify for VA Voc Rehab so I'd just be throwing the education away if I didn't use it.
    3. I get paid to go to school, which helps pay the bills.

    If I could have chosen any degree it would have been in bee keeping, or horse training, or organic farming. But, I was really limited in what the government would pay for, so I went with marketing management. I get to take classes like business law, statistics, and a ton of other business type classes. The good news is that I will be finished in about 2 years, as the classes are all on-line and the terms are 8 weeks long.

    How do the MIT classes work? Do you get graded, are they free, are they self paced?

  4. They're free AND self-paced, so basically perfect! They're not quite as meaty as I'd like, however, or perhaps it's just that at this point in my education I like tons more context with my information, so for each unit I like to do searches for other iTunes U lectures and materials, and then I end up going down a bunch of other rabbit trails of related topics that interest me...

    So, yeah, self-paced is good!
