Friday, July 12, 2013

It's a Dragon Party!

Postcard invitations are now our thing. Matt designs one side of the postcard, with an awesome party graphic--
I love how Matt designed this to capture not just the party theme, but also his and Will's shared love of video games.
--and the party details, and space for the address and stamp (we didn't have time to hand-deliver invitations for this party, so I also got Matt to type in all the addresses directly onto the invitations for me--yay!), and the kids do the front sides of the postcard invitations:

Willow likes to use Google Images to research possible illustrations.
Next week is pretty much designated as Party Prep Week--we've got cardboard shields to cut out, a dragon hoard to finish painting, dragon bread to bake, the rules of Dragon Tag to finalize, and a castle cake to put together.

She's going to be nine. I can't believe it.


  1. We love postcards! They cost less to mail, the require less writing (Emma's favorite part), and they can be made so many different ways and with so many different materials.

    I'm excited to see pictures from the party.

  2. I was trying to get into the habit of sending out postcards from our vacations (did your kiddo get her postcards from the Kentucky Horse Park?), but to my shock and horror, neither Crayola nor Hershey NOR Sesame Place had postcards for sale! Gasp, right?

  3. Emma did get the postcards and LOVED them!
    Seriously, no postcards at any of those places? That's surprising and disappointing.
