Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Latest over at Crafting a Green World: Puzzles!

and a puzzle piece Valentine craft of our very own

In other news, I am in my fourth day of the flu, or whatever coughing, aching, sneezing, feverish, breathless, respiratory virus that is indistinguishable from the flu. I'm past the phase of lying like a slug in misery, past the acute phase of wondering if I was going to add to Indiana's viral mortality rate this year, past that one evening when I crawled out of bed (literally crawled), then decided that crawling back into bed was too much effort and instead dragged some blankets down on top of me on the floor.

Now I'm in that phase of feeling too lousy to get back to my life, but too restless to keep lying here while the children bicker over math worksheets and making their own lunch in another room. I'm bored by Netflix instant, bored by my Buffy Season Eight graphic novel collection from the library, bored by Doctor Who fanfiction, completely out of Baked Lay's and orange juice back here in the "sick room" that Matt, on the advice of, I kid you not, www.flu.gov, has deemed is my designated area. 

If you've already had the flu this season, you should come over and entertain me. I'll let you read to me if you promise to do all the voices, and I also really like show tunes.


  1. I love the idea of the heart puzzle pieces! How much fun would that be to make best friend necklaces out of puzzle pieces (or sister necklaces, or well, you get it).

    Sorry to hear your sick. I would happily send you some homemade chicken broth (or veggie broth) if I thought it would make it.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Last year, our homeschool Valentine's party took place after Valentine's Day--it was great, because everyone bought their Valentines on giant clearance sales. All the kids got those super fancy Valentines with candy and stickers and whatever. We were the only ones to give out handmade Valentines, just because I can't stand to buy them, even if they are super cheap. This year, our party is on Valentine's Day itself, so I bet that LOTS of people will do handmade!

    I REALLY like the idea of best friend necklaces! Currently, we only have a giant Melissa and Doug floor puzzle that's missing pieces; I'm going to try that whenever we come across an incomplete puzzle with smaller pieces.

  3. Bored of Netflix?? Wha?
    Have you watched:
    24 ,my current obsession
    North and south, wives and daughters

  4. Oh, Jerico was a great show, but we were so bugged that they stopped the series.

    Another good one is Warehouse 13. A new spin on X-Files.

    we also love Lie to Me, Burn Notice, and Bones.

  5. That's so funny, because I've watched, like, two seasons of Warehouse 13 during this sickness. When I had strep last month, I watched something like three seasons of Parks and Recreation. I'm about to start re-watching The West Wing, because I never saw the last season. And I'm very slowly, whenever the mood hits, watching classic Doctor Who, mostly so I can pick up the references to it that they sometimes drop into the current Doctor Who series.

  6. so sorry to hear that you have been sick. if i would have seen this sooner, i would have come over to bring you soup and orange juice and make you hot toddies or whatever else you needed! sounds like you are on the mend.
    i love these puzzle pieces, but i was wondering if they warp when painted? it looks like they do not. we have 55 to make, plus family. we need to get a valentine factory going over here...

  7. It must be the width of the chipboard that keeps it from warping, because they don't at all, but you know I work with cardboard record album covers all the time, and if there's a way to keep them from warping when painted/glued, then I haven't found it yet!

    For a giant batch of Valentines, you might be able to get away with assembling the entire remaining puzzle, then painting the background in one swath, then gently separating each piece to dry? If we'd used small puzzle pieces, too, I think I would have had the girls do the hearts in paint pen.
