Monday, December 10, 2012

Her First Language Lessons

I still don't know if I like it or not, but thanks to the public library, I HAVE been using it!

First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind goes really slowly, and it's really repetitive, which drives me nuts, and would have driven Willow nuts, too, but six-year-old Sydney loves stuff like that. She REALLY likes right answers, so she thrives on the repetition that allows her to give the right answers every day. And while the script that First Language Lessons asks the instructor to follow also makes me crazy (Seriously, why on earth would Wise insist on using the word "persons" instead of "people?" WHY?!?!?!?!?"), Sydney loves the one-on-one time, I have to admit.

So while I haven't yet decided if it's a resource that I'll want to use for the long-term, it is working well for us right now. Willow works best independently, so since I prefer that the girls do the same number of subjects daily, it lets me slot an additional math enrichment activity, extra reading, a science project, or a more in-depth assignment related to one of our unit studies into her schedule each day. It's our homemade gifted program!

And how cute is Syd's first recitation?

Excuse the chaos--one of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability to do grammar with one kid while the other kid is in her ice skating lesson.

It cracks me up, by the way, that Syd's reciting a Christina Rossetti poem; I know that Rossetti wrote religious poetry, too, but my favorite of hers is "Goblin Market," which has some SERIOUS sexual connotations. Woo-hoo!

Here's the exact text that we're using:

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