Tuesday, April 10, 2012

On the Knitting Spool

You'll have to excuse the overindulgent number of photographs that I took during a single morning activity, but I finally got a kid interested in the knitting spool ! Per usual, all it really took was for me to sit down, some nice wool yarn that needed to be reviewed at hand, with the full intention to figure out the knitting spool for myself.

Me, sitting alone, engrossed in my own business? That's a certain invitation for at least one little girl to pop over and declare a desire to be included. My pleasure, little babe:

I admit that I bought this particular knitting spool YEARS ago (before I knew that they're a do-able DIY project--perhaps something to do when both girls want one at the same time, in the inevitable future), and included it in Willow's stocking at Christmas. She showed zero interest in it, and it languished, completely ignored, on the activity kits shelf (I'll have to show you that sometime) until late last year, when I snuck it away, still unnoticed, and put it into Sydney's stocking. She, at least, sat down with it and tried to learn it, but couldn't get the knack, got frustrated, and back to the shelf it went.

Less than four months later, she got the hang of it in minutes: 

She worked for quite a while before setting it back down, making herself a nice little length of cord in the process--

--and while she didn't really find it the best fun ever, I don't think, and hasn't expressed a desire to work with it again, at least now her memory of the knitting spool involves her mastery of it, and witnessing what you can make with it, so that next time she needs a nice bit of cord, for all those things that you need a nice bit of cord for when you're a little kid, she'll hopefully remember that you can make a nice bit of cord using the knitting spool, and that it's a do-able project, and where is that knitting spool, anyway...

Knit Picks is actually giving away three skeins of this 100% reclaimed wool yarn that we used over at Crafting a Green World, and there will be TWO winners(!!!), so you should totally head over there and enter to get yourself some yarn. As for a knitting spool, did you know that you can MAKE one?

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