Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chess Player, Ice Skaters

In a life in which I consider us "busy" if we have a total of two places to go in the course of one day, late winter has been a particularly busy time for us. Ice skating, gymnastics, gym days with our homeschool group--why, one day there was a homeschool Valentine's Day party AND gymnastics class AND ice skating class!

This past weekend was (I hope) the culmination, with a Saturday in which Syd and I stayed in town to run all our other errands (Spring Ice Show dress rehearsal,ballet class, Lemonade Day registration, 4-H Open House, etc.) while Will and Matt road tripped to Indianapolis for a chess tournament--

(she didn't do half-bad against this twelfth grader!)

--and then a Sunday that contained the much-anticipated, proudly performed Spring Ice Show:

This week's goal is peace and quiet: lots of Magic Tree House, some research for next's month's Science Fair, maybe a little grocery shopping, and lots and lots of sitting on the carpet putting together puzzles.

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