Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snowy Day

Our part of Indiana has not yet been blanketed in snow this winter.

It's odd.

Right now, for instance, there's thunder and lightening outside, and the making of what would be several inches of snow by the afternoon...if the temperature was only twenty degrees colder. Which it usually is in January.

Odd, indeed. A little troubling, frankly.

We did have a light snowfall this past weekend, when the temperature WAS twenty degrees colder (see? Odd), and even though the snow didn't even completely cover the ground, it was very special for two reasons:

1) It was a weekend, and Matt was home with us. It NEVER snows on a weekend when Matt can be home with us, usually.
2) On one of their visits since last winter, the girls' Grandma Janie and Poppa brought them thin little plastic flexible sleds. Unlike our antique wooden sled behemoth, with actual metal runners, these little sleds don't actually require that much snow to work their magic.

Do you hear that laugh? That kid was AIMING for me!

Even the adults got into the act:

Even me, your normally dedicated behind-the-camera woman!

The girls' other favorite snowy day activity, when they're not sledding, is to explore the snowy playground--

--where slippery snow makes even your most run-of-the-mill playground slide vastly exciting--

--and where there's always just one last bit of virgin ground to dedicate to angel-making:

The girls will tell you that their favorite part of the day was the sledding, or the sliding, or how Momma fell on her butt, or the hot chocolate and chocolate pumpkin icebox pie that we came home to afterwards.

My favorite part of the day, however?

This guy. Always.

1 comment:

  1. We here in Iowa are having some rather odd weather as well. Upon returning from a New Years trip to AZ, we were surprised by how beautiful the weather was. On the 10th it was soemthing like high 50's! That only lasted a day. We finally got snow today. It may be gone by tomorrow, but we had fun shoveling it and playing in it, and making a snow angle today :) Can't wait for the books we sold back to amazon to get credited so I can buy some wool long johns...
