Sunday, November 20, 2011

Me and Willow and Home Education Magazine

Here we are!

Here's my article that I wrote for Home Education Magazine about the peculiarities and particularities of parenting my precocious little kid. It's in the October-November 2011 issue of Home Education Magazine (ask for in a bookstore or library near you! ahem...), whose production was delayed, and so the magazine has only been on the newsstands for perhaps a couple of weeks (Remember how I had an article accepted for publication into Craft, and then Craft went under? When it looked like HEM wasn't going to make it to this issue, Matt started calling me the black widow of the magazine industry).

Will is pretty blithe about her utter stardom--since she's recently discovered how awesome dragons are, it's rare that she looks up from her latest dragonology encyclopedia (yes, seriously, they make them) to offer any insights or opinions about much other than dragons, or eagle nests, or chess strategy, or Angry Birds, but my little Sydney has already begun asking me when I'm going to write a whole story about HER.

I do have a little something in mind, actually...


  1. Im glad for the parents like you who has a lot of time teaching and guiding their kids.

  2. Julie, I read your article in Home Education and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    You started out mentioning that you were a little embarrassed about the subject, a little nervous about readers perceiving your piece to be a brag rant (my words, not yours), and I'm here to tell you it's not. You wrote personally and clearly---there was nothing offensive in it. And that's coming from me, a mom who is a little worried about how late some of her late readers are! I found your story---a picture from the other side---to be fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
