Thursday, November 3, 2011

Big Kid Babywearing

The baby REALLY wanted to spend some time with Dadda on a recent Sunday morning, but the Dadda REALLY wanted to finish putting up the tall wall shelves in the girls' brand-new-to-them bedroom. Fortunately, crunchy granola attachment parenting Momma always has a compromise handy:

I don't think that Matt really wants to repeat the experience of doing manual labor while carrying a 40-pound load on his back anytime soon, but the shelves DID get built, and the baby WAS all smiles in the meantime, so mission accomplished.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I would haul my middle guy around until he was 4.5 and I was pregnant with some initial complications and had to stop... He loved to snuggle and it really helped us work through conflict if we were close together like that.
