Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Willow's New Pajamas

Somewhere in the midst of the vampire cloak and the mermaid skirt and the biography fair project and painting the girls' new bedroom purple and orange and putting our community garden plot to bed, Willow's new pajamas got themselves sewn:

The pattern is an old McCall's 6535. I like the style of the shirt quite a lot, but the sizing is way off--Willow is lost in her size 7!

Fortunately, the size 7 pants are perfect, and may find themselves sewn up some more in fleece this winter. Time will tell if I attempt to re-size the shirt for another go, or if I just use a different pattern next time:

Will chose the fabric, of course. Now that I've given up craft fairs for the foreseeable future I don't thrift constantly, and thus don't have a huge stash of thrifted material always on hand, so we're visiting the fabric store a lot more these days--thank goodness for sales and my educator's discount card!

I still try to keep my rule that every project must include SOME components from the stash, however, so these pajamas are made from a flower flannel purchased for this project and a purple hearts fabric purchased who-knows-when:

I made a second pair of these pants in that flowered flannel, and I think that one pajama top with two matching pairs of pajama pants will serve nicely in lieu of two complete sets of pajamas. Syd is getting one pair of pajamas and one nightgown, AFTER the Halloween costumes are finished:

And then both girls are getting some pairs of fleece pants for the winter, for everyday wear accompanied with thrifted T-shirts (or thrifted elaborate party dresses, in the case of the younger sister):

And what will I wear this winter?

Eh, who cares?

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