Monday, October 24, 2011

Poetry Speaks: Sydney Masters Robert Frost

She did it!

Willow mastered "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," by Robert Frost, back when I first asked them to memorize it last winter. Back then, however, Syd just found it a little too challenging (although she had memorized the entirety of "A Visit from St. Nicholas" just a month prior!), and so I dropped it when she seemed to get frustrated at always forgetting one line or another.

Our impending homeschool biography fair, however, seemed like a good time to finish a good job, so I suggested to the girls that they make their presentation on Robert Frost, and then they could each simply recite one of his poems for the oral component.

Done and done, and an excellent excuse to get that tricky Robert Frost poem under one's belt once and for all:

Done and done, kiddo. They are going to CONQUER at that biography fair!

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