Wednesday, September 7, 2011

There is Nothing Like a New Box of Crayons

I bought these Stockmar beeswax crayons, then said the magic words:

"Hey, girls! I have a brand-new box of crayons for you!"

I've been experimenting with setting out more than one art supply at a time when the girls are creating, and nothing goes together better than watercolors and crayons:

Eventually these crayons will make their way towards leaf rubbings and headstone rubbings, etc., but it's good to know that they also make a pretty handy rainbow.

We used:


  1. I just love block beeswax crayons, they are the best, this was my favorite crayon for my children when they were younger. I love that they don't break!! We still have some of our old tins, and my kids are teens now. I love the idea of headstone rubbings- we have pioneer cemeteries around here- that would be a fun fall activity. Great post!!

  2. Mmm, nothing beats a set of new beeswax crayons. Although my 2 are getting seriously into pastels at the moment.
    Lovely pictures of your girls at work.
