Sunday, September 18, 2011

Primary Colors Play Silks

A simple set of play silks

 30"x30" set of three, one each in red, yellow, and blue

wide enough to tie around a child's waist, light enough to braid into a child's hair

they stream satisfyingly behind you as you run

they certainly don't slow you down

perhaps, if you twirl with them, they'll make you feel giddy

superhero cape? you bet!

because imagination is, of course, a superpower

There's a primary colors set of 30"x30" play silks up in my pumpkinbear etsy shop, joining the multi-color play silk canopy, to be joined, ideally sometime soon, by a full rainbow set of play silks. 

I can't imagine the circus it'll be to attempt photographing a full set of seven play silks all in action at one time.

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