Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Mommy Blogger Olympics

Look, somebody voted for me besides me!
I have to admit that I love these mommy blog contests, like this current one: the Parents Magazine Best Blog Awards. I'm in the running for Best Craft for Kids Blog (well, as in the running as one can be with two votes!). I don't even know what the prize is supposed to be, but I'm a writer--we LOVE to be read, we love to be read more than we love to write, some of us, and votes and accolades...well, my goodness, that must mean that one is being read, mustn't it?

Voting runs through the middle of October, so there's plenty of time to vote for me, or better yet, nominate your own blog! Or the blog of someone you love! And if you get one more vote than the one that you voted, well, then you win!

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