Monday, July 4, 2011

This is How We Pack?

Before you head off for a weekend trip, don't you:

set the chalkboard blocks out to air-dry after one last coat:
and then spray paint the shopping cart:
We do, apparently--at least those are the last-minute chores that we found ourselves hurrying to finish before we set off for a weekend in Cleveland. It was a weekend full of Bazaar Bizarre, the Great Lakes Science Center, banana splits, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and barbecue. We came home in time for parades, gymnastic, mowing the lawn, riding bicycles, and Geomags, and now Matt's fixing the girls grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner before their early bedtime (no late-night fireworks show for us this year!), after which he and I will collapse in bed with Baked Lays, Harry Potter, hard lemonade, and ideally our own early bedtime.


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